Dismiss specific persistent notification

Hello there,

I’ve, every time Alexa AWS is reaching my network, a new persistent notification like this one

Login attempt failed

Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from 59.33-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be ( See the log for details.

It is my ISP IP on my WAN interface.
As I know what it is, I’d like to create an automation, like every minute to remove those ones. But those ones only.

service: persistent_notification.dismiss
  notification_id: <what>

What is supposed to go in the notification_id?

service: persistent_notification.dismiss_all

is working fine but then I’m losing all other usefull notifications.

Is there any way to do what I’m looking for?
Or maybe if you know why it is happening with Alexa’s lambda?

Set that to anything you want in the format of lower_case_chase. Then if you want to dismiss only the one, you refer to the notification with that id and it will dismiss only the one.
Here’s a cookbook wiki on the subject:
Creating Unique Names for scene.create, persistant_notification, or Anything Else.

I already do that for the notifications that I’m creating.

But this one is not one of these, it is one generated by Home Assistant when there is a invalid login attempt, probably from the http: component.

Therefore I have no idea of the id it is using.

Ok, after looking in the HA DB, I noticed an event appeared when clicking the DISMISS button.

data_id   hash            shared_data
83,947    2,746,651,326   {"domain":"persistent_notification","service":"dismiss","service_data":{"notification_id":"http-login"}}`

So I tried that

service: persistent_notification.dismiss
  notification_id: http-login

And it worked!