Display entity provider data

I have several instances where entities within HA are being presented multiple times, by different components, as many of the devices in my home automation network are meshed. For instance, my Philips Hue lights are being presented to HA by both the Philips Hue hub and the Wink hub on my network. For my own sanity, I have hidden the Wink-provided entities, however, without some troubleshooting, there is no discernible way to determine which entity came from where.

In this image, the first light was provided by Wink, and the second light was provided by Hue. Both lights are the same physical light. However, they are duplicated within HA due to both HA and Wink being aware of the Hue lights. Unfortunately, I can’t just disconnect the Hue from HA or Wink, as they both have functional use cases.

Is there any way that we can have some sort of a read-only “provider” or “component” state within the entity’s data?

I think you are looking for https://home-assistant.io/docs/configuration/platform_options/#entity-namespace

You could do the following.

  entity_namespace: 'wink'

Then all of your Wink entities should be prefixed with wink so for example.



That actually should work. A big part of the problem that I’ve been having with this is making sure that I have a good comprehension of the vocabulary used throughout HA. I’m almost curious as to why that’s not a default option, though.

That configuration style has apparently been changed, and you must enter in the entity_namespace for each type of component provided by that platform.

You actually posted this a while back: HA stops reporting Wink state changes

Lol nice I didn’t even know I had posted that.

That does make it more complicated.