Display HACS updates with a small number


In the HA interface, a small number next to the “Settings” menu item indicates when an update is available.
Unfortunately, this ad is not available at “HACS”.
Is there any way to get there?

Reason: Recently the Alexa media player wanted to be reconfigured again and again. I searched forever until I found that there was a new update available that fixed the error.

Greeting Werner

You can look at the state of “sensor.hacs” and if > 0 then there are updates.

I know I run HASSOS on a Pi4 but we already have this functionality. What sort of installation do you have?

All updates are shown in the update area (HACS or not) and the small number appears on the settings menu item.


unfortunately I don’t understand the answers.
I am using a Raspberry 4b and have this system with HACS Integrations Version: 1.27.1:

Home Assistant 2022.9.0
Supervisor 2022.08.6
Operating System 8.5
Frontend 20220907.0 - latest

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Reviving this old thread just to let this note for anyone that reaches this post searching for such a feature.

At the moment, this can be achieved using custom-sidebar custom plugin.

Here an example:

It’s always helpful to post the code you used to get the results in the example you post.

Hi @finity,
If you want to check the code, follow the link and check the repository documentation, there are examples in JSON and YAML for multiple things, including that one.