Display recently triggered automations

Fwiw, I use a combination of the auto-entities-card with the multiple-entity-row which has the benefit of being able to directly go into the respective entity dialogue:

type: custom:auto-entities
  type: entities
    - domain: automation
      last_triggered: <= 7d ago
        type: custom:multiple-entity-row
          attribute: last_triggered
          format: datetime
  method: last_triggered
  reverse: true

Hi folks,
I combined some of the ideas above to show automations and scripts (which may have been called by those automations).
Feel free to adjust how many items are to be used (curently 50 as per … “[:50]”) and how big the time window should be (curerntly 24h … as per " < 86400").


**Time &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Name**
{% set ns = namespace(a=[]) %}
{% set ns.a = (states.automation
  | selectattr('state', 'ne', 'unavailable')
  | selectattr('attributes.last_triggered', 'defined')
  | selectattr('attributes.last_triggered', 'ne', None)
  | selectattr('attributes.last_triggered')
  | sort(attribute='attributes.last_triggered', reverse=true)) -%}
{% set ns2 = namespace(s=[]) %}
{% set ns2.s = (states.script
   | selectattr('state', 'ne', 'unavailable')
   | selectattr('attributes.last_triggered', 'defined')
   | selectattr('attributes.last_triggered', 'ne', None)
  | selectattr('attributes.last_triggered')
  | sort(attribute='attributes.last_triggered', reverse=true)) -%}

{% for i in ns2.s %}
  {% set ns.a = ns.a + [i] %}
{% endfor %}

{%- for state in (ns.a | sort(attribute='attributes.last_triggered', reverse=true))[:50] -%}
  {%- if (now() - state.attributes.last_triggered).total_seconds() < 86400 %}
    {%- set t = (as_timestamp(state.attributes.last_triggered) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M:%S', true)) -%}
      {%- if state.entity_id.startswith("automation") -%}
      {{t}} - (a): _{{state.name}}_ 
      {%- else -%}
      {{t}} --- (s): _{{state.name}}_ 
      {%- endif %}
  {% endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}

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These are the ones I ended up using. I lay them out in a 2x2 grid using custom:grid-layout (hence the view_layout: grid-area: x) & happy to share that if anyone is interested).

- type: markdown
    grid-area: a
  title: Automations last triggered today
  content: >
      <th> Time </th>
      <th align=left> &nbsp Automation </th>
    {% for state in (states.automation
      | selectattr('attributes.last_triggered', 'defined')
      | rejectattr('attributes.last_triggered', 'in', ['None', 'none', 'unknown'])
      | selectattr('attributes.last_triggered')
      | selectattr('state', 'ne', 'unavailable')
      | sort(attribute='attributes.last_triggered', reverse=true)) [0:40] -%}
      {%- set time = state.attributes.last_triggered.timestamp() |timestamp_custom('%X')  -%}
      {%- if state.attributes.last_triggered > today_at("00:00") -%}
        {%- set t = (as_timestamp(state.attributes.last_triggered) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', true)) -%}
        <tr align=left>
          <th> &nbsp {{time}} &nbsp </th>
          <td> &nbsp {{state.name}} </td>
        {% endif -%}
      {% endfor %}
- type: markdown
    grid-area: b
  title: Scripts last ran today
  content: >
      <th> Time </th>
      <th align=left> &nbsp Automation </th>
    {% for state in states.script
      |sort(attribute='attributes.last_triggered', reverse=true) %}
      {%- set time = state.attributes.last_triggered.timestamp() |timestamp_custom('%X')  -%}
      {%- if state.attributes.last_triggered > today_at("00:00") -%}
        <tr align=left>
          <th> &nbsp {{time}} &nbsp </th>
          <td> &nbsp {{state.name}} </td>
        {% endif -%}
      {% endfor %}
- type: markdown
    grid-area: c
  title: Other Automations Last triggered
  content: >
      <th> Days </th>
      <th> Date </th>
      <th> Time </th>
      <th align=left> &nbsp Automation </th>
    {% for state in (states.automation
      |selectattr('state', 'ne', 'unavailable')
      |selectattr('attributes.last_triggered', 'ne', None)
      |sort(attribute='attributes.last_triggered',reverse=true)) %}
      {%- set t = now() - state.attributes.last_triggered -%}
      {%- set date = state.attributes.last_triggered.timestamp() |timestamp_custom('%d/%m/%Y')  -%}
      {%- set time = state.attributes.last_triggered.timestamp() |timestamp_custom('%X')  -%}
      {%- if state.attributes.last_triggered < today_at("00:00") -%}
        <tr align=left>
          <td align=right> -{{t.days}} &nbsp </td>
          <th> {{date}} &nbsp </th>
          <td> &nbsp {{time}} &nbsp </td>
          <td> &nbsp {{state.name}} </td>
        {% endif -%}
      {% endfor -%}
- type: markdown
    grid-area: d
  title: Other scripts last ran
  content: >
      <th> Days </th>
      <th> Date </th>
      <th> Time </th>
      <th align=left> &nbsp Script </th>
    {% for state in states.script
       |sort(attribute='attributes.last_triggered', reverse=true) %}
      {%- set t = now() - state.attributes.last_triggered -%}
      {%- set date = state.attributes.last_triggered.timestamp() |timestamp_custom('%d/%m/%Y')  -%}
      {%- set time = state.attributes.last_triggered.timestamp() |timestamp_custom('%X')  -%}
      {%- if state.attributes.last_triggered < today_at("00:00") -%}
        <tr align=left>
          <td align=right> -{{t.days}} &nbsp </td>
          <th> {{date}} &nbsp </th>
          <td> &nbsp {{time}} &nbsp </td>
          <td> &nbsp {{state.name}} </td>
        {% endif -%}
      {% endfor -%}

edit: updated as accidentally posted an older version.

Is it possible to do the same for automations that succeeded/finished?

you can do all that in auto-entities, and the card is very simple

  - type: custom:auto-entities
      type: entities
      title: Recente Automaten
      show_header_toggle: false
    show_empty: false
        - domain: automation
          state: 'on'
          last_triggered: '<= 5'

if you want to make it more complex ;-), add:

            type: custom:template-entity-row
            active: >
            toggle: true
            secondary: >
              {% if state_attr(config.entity,'last_triggered') %}
              {{relative_time(state_attr(config.entity,'last_triggered'))}} ago
              {% else %} Never triggered
              {% endif %}
            hold_action: |
                "action": "navigate",
                "navigation_path": "/config/automation/trace/{{state_attr(config.entity,'friendly_name')}}"

but… since we can have most of that directly in the Automations UI these days, and set any selector/order you need there, Ive personally moved all of these cards to the trash, and simply add a button that navigates to the automatons dashboard


Could you share your grid information you offered?

scroll up 3 posts :slight_smile:

This is exactly what I was looking for to keep an eye on if/when automations are running. Thanks for sharing.