after updating in HA the changed value should show in the esp log, as per my screenshot above where I added yyyyyyy to my state
I don’t have weather.home in states tab.
well… then that may be your source…your nspanel expects weather.home to provide a state with which it then displays the symbol.
Make sure you use an existing weather.XYZ sensor then in your nspanel yaml
Where I can find that sensor?
I donot know if you have setup a weather sensor…did you? openweathr map ,, accuweather…plenty of choice
I have added accuweather sensor. How can I configure that in yaml file?
apply the entity_id for your accuweather sensor
probably weather.accuweather ?
It is working now. Thank you for your help.
np…happy it moved forward… it was a bit of s surprise to see that you are DIY-ing with ESP before even thoroughly understanding HA …good show !