DIY Smart Doorbell with Android notifications

Hi Ronald,
I am sorry to trouble you as this a HA issue, but I am trying to build this project and can’t get SSL working for UV4l. I have tried everything I can think of. My config works fine until I try to secure it. I have generated a self certificate, but when I make the following changes I can’t access my site

HTTPS options:

server-option = --use-ssl=yes
server-option = --ssl-private-key-file=/etc/ssl/private/selfsign.key
server-option = --ssl-certificate-file=/etc/ssl/private/selfsign.crt
my key is as below
pi@raspberrypi:/etc/uv4l $ ls
privkey.key selfsign.key uv4l-uvc.conf
selfsign.crt uv4l-raspicam.conf uv4l-raspidisp.conf

I get the following in chrome.
any help or suggestions wood be appreciated.

sorry realsied I posted the wrong settings. should be

Hi Mark,

I use traefik for all ssl handling. This way, I can also see from all over the world who is at my front door.

P.s.: it’s not only a HA issue. If you want everything accessible from the outside, your HA instane and doorbell must be available using https.


Is uv4l starting correct? What is

tail -f /var/log/syslog

saying? Which raspian release are you running?

Hi ,I think this is an amazing project. I have completed step 1 of the instructables and have video and audio working. I am a little lost at step 3. Do I put the 3 files into the library www/doorpi/, being doorpi-card.js, signalling.js and doorpi-camera-view.js?
How do I use the doorpi.yaml? Do I copy it to my Configuration.yaml? Do I need to create a LoveLace card, or does the broswer mode do that. Do I need to change any names in the above files?
Sorry for all the dumb questions, but as you can see I am not very good at this stuff.

I finally got this working saw your other post in instructables this is what you are after mabye

type: 'custom:doorpi-card'
camera_entity: camera.doorbell_camera
  icon: 'mdi:door'       
  title: DoorPi            
  url: 'https://youraddress:9090'          

Hi @Mark53,

sorry for the late reply - I’ve missed your question.

  - cards:
      - camera_entity: camera.doorbell_camera
          url: 'your url'
        title: null
        type: 'custom:doorpi-card'
    icon: 'mdi:door'
    title: DoorPi

If you want to have the doorpi available when you are not home, you will need to make sure that ‘your url’ is available external (so not a 192.169.***) url.


Thank you both so much for your help on this amazing project. Now onto the next step.

Hi Ronald
Thanks for your hard work on this love it.I have everything up and running on a Pi 2 only issue i have is with certificates eg NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
How did you get around this?. Do you use your Nas to reverse proxy and lets encrypt?
also can you use this from your phone IOS or will it only work through chome on a computer

Indeed, I use traefik on my bas to make it available remote. It also works on my Android mobile phone.

Only thing: the HTML 5 notifications come in a bit too late…

Thanks for your assistance. In the doorpi-card.js , I can see that the open door button code is as below. What I would like to do is trigger an automation when the button is pressed. Can you please advise how I can do this.

+ 'Open Door' +

mwc-button raised id=‘btn-open-door-1’>` + ‘Open Door’ +



sorry to trouble you again.
How do I resize the custom doorpi card? I would like it to be full size, ie fill the screen, it is currently the size of a card.

Set the tab to panel mode

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For the WhatsApp integration, you can use this API that is Free and working well so far:

The same API provider (callmebot) allows Telegram Phone Calls that might be pretty convinient for this project because it actually ring your phone instead of sending a text msg.

From some reason when I create the custom card in the lovelace I get a blinking error pops and fades saying custom card not found. The resources are set correctly. The resources definitions where changed in the last few versions to a new place.
Can anyone help?


Can some share the Traefik yml and toml so I can verify the setup.

Which version of HA are you using?

Here is my traefik.toml. Note that it is still traefik 1.x

debug = false

logLevel = "ERROR"
defaultEntryPoints = ["https","http"]

  address = ":80"
    entryPoint = "https"
  address = ":443"
      #certFile = "/certificates/live/"
      #keyFile = "/certificates/live/"


endpoint = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
domain = ""
watch = true
exposedByDefault = false

email = "your-email"
storage = "acme.json"
entryPoint = "https"
# caServer = ""
onHostRule = true
  entryPoint = "http"


    url = "http://ha-ip-address:8123"
    weight = 0
    url = "http://doorbell-ip-address:9090"
    weight = 0

    backend = "backend-homeassistant"
    passHostHeader = true
    InsecureSkipVerify = true
    rule = ""
    backend = "backend-doorbell"
    passHostHeader = true
    InsecureSkipVerify = true
    rule = ""


I have the doorpi working on the RPi 3 B with let’s encrypt etc. The only thing that is left is the custom card. I am now in version 0.108.9 which is the latest version of HA.
I keep getting an intermittent message on the lovelace: Custom element doesn’t exist: doorpi-card.
I did changed something in the doorpi-card.js - the names of the buttons from everywhere etc. to other stuff. These names appear twice in the code. I also tried to move the js files while updating the resources location definition. No change. It does not work and keep blinking the above error.
I would appreciate help.