DMX lighting

Scratching my head here… Is it possible there is another ArtNet controller on your network? In uidee’s example, the correct value should be sent every 2 minutes.

For the network segments I wonder: if ArtNet is direct UDP, why doesn’t it work over network segments? (My network forwards the traffic correctly)

I haven’t tried this on other network segments. For node_type: artnet-direct, it’s directly UDP plain and simple. Though node_type: artnet-controller will do broadcasts to discover ArtNet nodes, maybe that’s blocked on your network? When using this mode, you should see Discovered new node at ... in your logs when the integration starts.


to fully support all possible definitions seems to be an enormous task.

Parsing their format was a challenge yeah, but it’s something I like doing anyway. :slight_smile:

In which of your repositories are you working on this integration?

Can I somehow support you?

Send me your old discarded party lights! I’d love to have something physical to work with.

I haven’t activated my GitHub sponsor link on the artnet-led repo yet, since I don’t feel like I deserve that yet.

I’m using your work for so long now, and without noteworthy issues. I think you do deserve it :slight_smile:


I want to make a artnet node from this GitHub link:

I also want to use the DMX302 ( with this artnet mode. It has 3 dimmers with intensity 0-255. Can you give me some information how to use this artnet mode with the DMX302 with home assistant? I need some example code for my configuration.yaml. I want to make a slider to be able to control the light intensity.
Any help is appreciated.
Best regards,

Hey, First post on a home assistant forum :person_raising_hand: I have been following this forum post for quite a year or so, and finally have HA set up on a pi. I am waiting on my DMX node to arrive (PKnight - there were some positive comments here that it is compatible).

I’m speaking up now because you mentioned the sponsor link. @Breina I think you should set it up, there are many different people that have benefit, and some of them might like to contribute. Hopefully I’m not speaking out of place. :bulb:

Hey guys, totally new to DMX & Art-Net, please be gentle. I’ve had 5+ years using Osram Sylvania Lightify via Zigbee all over my house. But not thinking I might up it to do big-boy stuff like this in my the home theater I’m building. I’m considering Prolux / American Lighting (unless you guys have suggestions!). Prolux LED strips, which use SPI (again, I dont know much about this either).

If there is an FAQ or best practices to read/watch/learn (or anyone just want to school me)… please point me in the right direction! thank you kindly!

I dug into the ArtnetDMX and PYArtnet code a bit, trying to resolve the confusing results I described a couple months ago. The parts of my YAML defining the light seem to be properly understood and as reported by “dmx_values” in the light entity state, but the reported “dmx_channels:” seem to be logical channels in the same sense PyArtnet thinks of channels, not the strictly 1 byte “channels” in the DMX sense.

I saw code in PyArtnet that looks like it tries to prevent bytes from getting stomped on each other when setting values for successive multibyte channels, but it seems to be stomping nonetheless.

I do have a DE-5 controller I’d be happy to contribute to the cause if that would help:-) I just began looking at the code and all may become clear once I make another pass and understand better how adding entities in HA works under the hood.