Dns not resolving

I have hassio installed on ubuntu 17.04. I’ve been trying to set up the google assistant addon but have found that the addon is not able to resolve any urls. I just ran full updates on the ubuntu host and restarted and still get the same issues.

If I ssh it hassio, and try to ping accounts.google.com I just get bad address. I tried adding to the docker options in /etc/defaults but it had no effect.

There’s an addon called “DNSMasq” which lets you configure a different dns. Try it, maybe it works

gave it a try but not change… feel like this is some issue with the default docker install. which is not something something I’m too knowledgable about.

Okay I got it working by hard coding the google dns servers into my ubuntu host’s resolv.conf via this method:

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yes with this I was finally able to install duckdns and letencrypt.

hi, with this what?