DNS set from somewhere else?

Ok, this is a strange one.

I changed DNS servers and set DNS though

Settings > System > Network

Ive even tried

ha dns options --servers dns://IP_ADDRESS
ha dns restart

And any checks for DNS tell me that its set to the new server. But if I turn the old server off resolution breaks. Most importantly for my external ZigBee coordinator.

Im also using NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy

Is there anywhere else I can check to see if I hardcoded it somewhere… somehow?

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

So if I do a nslookup from the terminal I get what Im assuming is a DNS server IP that comes from the NGINX Proxy and I think that its mapped to the old DNS server.

How can I check this?

DNS in HA does have a few gotchas. This thread might be helpful.

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Thanks for that, I think I may have worked it out from that… Maybe

IP address is static, but also a resivation in the old server. So even though DNS has been set, its still going though the DHCP server. Which seems strange, but the only thing I can think of.

Ill have to check later :slight_smile:

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I am not sure how DHCP is really set up in HA, but it is not uncommon to allow DHCP requests for only DNS servers, when using a static IP.
This can happen regardless if there is a reservation or not in the DHCP service, because it is the host itself that just request DNS servers from the DHCP service.

OK, so DHCP had nothing to do with it in the end :slight_smile:

It was the NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy was holding on to the old DNS server.

Once that was uninstalled and reinstalled it seems to be ok.

Very annoying and confusing though :frowning: