DNSIP Integration issues with myip.opendns.com


I’ve been struggling to get my WAN IP as a sensor. Anyone else having issues with with the DNSIP integration and just using the default values? If I try using the default values, it just says “Invalid hostname”. In addition, for some reason I can only use the integration to add sensors. I tried adding it manually but adding -platform: dnsip in the configuration file under sensors (I tried !include as well) does not work. I cannot find the entity (such as sensor.myip) using the developer tools. Any advice? Thanks!

Hi syntaxing,
Welcome here !
This integration can be setup with the UI, no need to YAML anything.

Just tried it it with default values and it works good !

Can you try to setup with UI and screenshot the integration result when done ?

Hi Sébastien ,

This is what I see when I try the default values:

What version are you running ?

I am seeing the same behaviour as @syntaxing, trying to add DNS IP and getting stuck at configuration with default values due to ‘invalid hostname’. This is the only post I have found reporting this issue.

I did have the integration installed previously and was attempting to remove and re-add when it stopped functioning.

I am running:

Home Assistant 2022.10.5
Supervisor 2022.10.0
Frontend 20221010.0 - latest

I have the same problem. It stopped working. I have deleted and added again and I get the same thing “invalid hostname”. Have you managed to fix it?
Home Assistant 2022.11.4
Supervisor 2022.10.2
Frontend 20221108.0 - latest


Stopped to working to me too.
Default settings.

Logger: homeassistant.components.dnsip.sensor
Source: components/dnsip/sensor.py:88
Integration: DNS IP (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 20:16:57 (53 occurrences)
Last logged: 22:02:12
Exception while resolving host: (12, ‘Timeout while contacting DNS servers’)

Home Assistant 2023.1.1
Supervisor 2022.12.1
Frontend 20230104.0 - latest


1 Like

The same here, no matter what I put into these fields, I can’t make it working.


Same issue here as well. I haven’t figured out a solution yet.

This continues to be an issue.

The DNS IP integration no longer returns the public IP address.

myip.opendns.com no longer has a A or AAAA address.

The default resolver ( dns.opendns.com no longer returns an IP.
myip.opendns.com redirects to www

Integration configuration does not allow using any other resolver but the default ( .

Tried to change it to change to Cloudflare DNS resolver (, or internal (, both returns error.

I do not have IPv6 on my internal network, but there is no way to blank out the “Resolver for IPV6 lookup” field.

I cannot tell if the IPv4 field that causing the problem or the v6.

Both OpenDNS servers respond properly.

Any news on how to use this method? I am facing the same problem as OP:

Home Assistant

  • Core2023.12.2
  • Supervisor2023.11.6
  • Operating System11.2
  • Frontend20231208.2

EDIT: for those newbies like me that just wanted to retrieve the public IP of their Home Assistant device, I will post how I solved it. In my case, I had a Raspberry Pi running Home Assistant OS, so I went to the CLI (the black screen that you see if you plug in a monitor to your device, and with which you may interact using a keyboard), typed login to get a root command line (see this reddit post), and typed the command curl https://ifconfig.me/ (see this post). The result was the public IP I needed (in my case, to configure an external database server).