Do Shelly Devices have a fatal weakness (Router Reset)

It is the other way around, coiot for gen 1, websocket for gen 2/3.

Same here.
I cannot imagine a scenario where having the same WiFi credentials for both 2.4 and 5GHz can cause any device from connecting.

Then you havenā€™t been around much.

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Sounds very much like it. Did you yet try to install esphome on your shelly to see if this fixes thing? :hammer_and_wrench:

Luckily esphome features everything you need :point_down:

Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m misunderstanding you hereā€¦ Are you saying that the Shelly device in question was actually still working with HA, just not in the Shelly app? You didnā€™t mention this in your original post, and it would suggest a very different problem, if so.

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Just a guess. Does the Shelly devices try to associate with the SSID or the BSSID? And does the BSSID change in resetting the router?

Also, canā€™t you set it up over Bluetooth?

If other people have many Shelly devices, and they donā€™t have the same issue, then it is sometrhing else

Thanks for pointing that out! I corrected my post.