Do Sonos speakers also work on an internal network?

I want to buy a speaker for HA
From reading the forum I saw a lot of recommendations about Sonos
My network is local and without access to an external network,
Will Sonos work fine for me?
Do Sonos speakers also work on an internal network?
I would love to receive more recommendations on a cheap speaker for TTS messages

Does Sonos need an internet connection? | Sonos Community
So in short, it would kind of work (with enough elbow grease and willpower), but not fine.

Local Smart Speaker with ESP32 that works with Home Assistant - YouTube

Turn an ESP8266 WemosD1Mini into an audio notifier for Home Assistant: Play MP3, TTS & RTTL - Share your Projects! - Home Assistant Community (

And if you are looking for voice controls without Alexa or Siri or Google… This is now possible.
Local Voice Control With Home Assistant Just Got Easier! - YouTube


thanks for the detailed answer,
Do you know where to buy this speaker?
I have a hard time with soldering,
This speaker ‘ESP Muse Luxe’ is also not available on Amazon