Documenting your Smart Home

A bit late for an answer, but for those who come to this thread with the same question: In automations and scripts you can use the top right menu to select Rename.

There you’ll find the description field. It can hold as much text as you like, and even supports markdown for formatting. So for instance the following description:

**This is a documentation test**

* Test 1
* Test 2
* *Test 3*

Looks fine to me

Shows this in the automation editor on top of the automation:

Also note that automations, scrips and scenes, even when built in the GUI, can just as easily be edited through VisualStudio Code, but the GUI may not keep the documentation you entered as yaml comments. So the description way is safer.


If you have your HA documentation running on HA and it goes down, how are you gonna get to your documentation?!

Of course it’s preference to run additional services on a HA instance - or not.
I have seen the craziest things that fellow HA users run on their HA.
I’m reluctant to do that: let HA do HA things and install services that have nothing to do with it in some other way.

If you have bought a beefy system, just for HA, which is overpowered for the job it might be obvious to stack other things on HA, even more if they are easy to install (HACS)
The thing is: when your HA goes down, for whatever reason, briefly or not, all these services might not work either.
Another result of doing it this way: your HA might become less stable because of this.

A solution can be to install virutalisation software on your system and virtualise HA and the other services in their seperate container.