Does anyone have an example of Template Sensors / Triggers?

This seems to work:

    - sensor:
        - unique_id: lowest_battery_level
          name: "Lowest Battery Level"
          unit_of_measurement: "%"
          state: >-
            {% set x = (states.sensor | rejectattr('attributes.attribution', 'eq', 'Data provided by Apple iCloud') | rejectattr('state', 'in', ['unavailable']) | selectattr('attributes.device_class', 'eq', 'battery')  ) %}
            {% set lowest_battery = namespace(entity=0, value=1000) %}
            {% for y in x %}
                {% if (y.state | int) < lowest_battery.value %}
                {% set lowest_battery.value = y.state | int %}
                {% set lowest_battery.entity = y %}
                {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
            {{ lowest_battery.entity.state }}
          icon: >-
            {% set battery_level = states.sensor.lowest_battery_level.state|default(0)|int %}
            {% set battery_round = (battery_level / 10) |int * 10 %}
            {% if battery_round >= 100 %}
            {% elif battery_round > 0 %}
              mdi:battery-{{ battery_round }}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}
            sensor_name: >-
              {% set x = (states.sensor | rejectattr('attributes.attribution', 'eq', 'Data provided by Apple iCloud') | rejectattr('state', 'in', ['unavailable']) | selectattr('attributes.device_class', 'eq', 'battery')  ) %}
              {% set lowest_battery = namespace(entity=0, value=1000) %}
              {% for y in x %}
                {% if (y.state | int) < lowest_battery.value %}
                {% set lowest_battery.value = y.state | int %}
                {% set lowest_battery.entity = y %}
                {% endif %}
              {% endfor %}
              {{ }}

That almost worked for meā€¦ I had to add ā€œunknownā€ to the rejectattr and to get rid of a few straggling battery_state sensors that would return ā€œchargingā€, ā€œdischargingā€, etc I switched the device_class-based selecattr for:

| selectattr('entity_id', 'search', 'battery_level')

{% set x = (states.sensor 
| rejectattr('attributes.attribution', 'eq', 'Data provided by Apple iCloud') 
| rejectattr('state', 'in', ['unavailable', 'unknown']) 
| selectattr('entity_id', 'search', 'battery_level') ) %}
{% set lowest_battery = namespace(entity=0, value=1000) %}
{% for y in x %}
    {% if (y.state | int) < lowest_battery.value %}
    {% set lowest_battery.value = y.state | int %}
    {% set lowest_battery.entity = y %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ lowest_battery.entity.state }}

You seem to know this stuff very well. Are there any write ups or tutorials or is it a matter of trial and error?

I assume this searches for entities with entity id which includes battery_level. Is there a change that an entity is missed? Probably the same could be said for selecting entities which belongs to the device class battery. I found one entity which is of the device class battery and has entity id sensor.tradfri_remote_control.

By the way, just curious, what does the ā€˜-ā€™ in state: > vs state: >- ?

Just like you, Iā€™m no expert and Iā€™m still learningā€¦ there are members on this forum who know this stuff way better than me. I just try to help out where I can.

I learned a lot of the basics from Youtube videos, from searching this forum, and from reading the Jinja template designer page, and the Home Assistant docs

Yes, there is a chance that an entity or two are missed with this template, or any other template. There are a lot of devices that work with Home Assistant, but not all integrations expose device information in the same format. If you have an entity that doesnā€™t create its own battery_level sensor, there are a couple methods that can be used to have that entity work with this template. I would just create a battery_level sensor using a template sensor.

The difference between ā€œ>ā€ and ā€œ>-ā€ can be found here. Either one will work for Home Assistant templates, I use ā€œ>-ā€ out of habit more than necessity.

Very much appreciated. I learned a lot from going through this exercise.

I still prefer to filter on the device class because if the device class is battery, I can assume state is the battery level. After some polishing I can up with this.

    - sensor:
        - unique_id: lowest_battery_level
          name: >-
            {# get list of battery entities #}
            {% set battery_entities = (states.sensor | rejectattr('attributes.attribution', 'eq', 'Data provided by Apple iCloud') | rejectattr('state', 'in', ['unavailable', 'unknown']) | selectattr('attributes.device_class', 'eq', 'battery')  ) %}
            {# get entity with lowest battery state #}
            {% set lowest_battery = namespace(entity=0, value=101) %}
            {% for x in battery_entities %}
                {% if (x.state | int) < lowest_battery.value %}
                    {% set lowest_battery.value = x.state | int %}
                    {% set lowest_battery.entity = x %}
                {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
            {% if lowest_battery.entity %}
                {{ }}
            {% else %}
                {{ "unknown" }}
            {% endif %}
          state: >-
            {# get list of battery entities #}
            {% set battery_entities = (states.sensor | rejectattr('attributes.attribution', 'eq', 'Data provided by Apple iCloud') | rejectattr('state', 'in', ['unavailable', 'unknown']) | selectattr('attributes.device_class', 'eq', 'battery')  ) %}
            {# get entity with lowest battery state #}
            {% set lowest_battery = namespace(entity=0, value=101) %}
            {% for x in battery_entities %}
                {% if (x.state | int) < lowest_battery.value %}
                    {% set lowest_battery.value = x.state | int %}
                    {% set lowest_battery.entity = x %}
                {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
            {% if lowest_battery.entity %}
                {{ lowest_battery.entity.state }}
            {% else %}
                {{ "unknown" }}
            {% endif %}
          unit_of_measurement: "%"
          icon: >-
            {% set battery_level = states.sensor.lowest_battery_level.state|default(0)|int %}
            {% set battery_round = (battery_level / 10) |int * 10 %}
            {% if battery_round >= 100 %}
            {% elif battery_round > 0 %}
              mdi:battery-{{ battery_round }}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}

The only thing I am not have with is that I need to filter and iterate through the entities multiple times and wish there is a way to do that once and refer to the resulting entity multiple times.

There are a few feature request posts to have the ability to use variables added to Template Sensorsā€¦ but until that happens youā€™re only other option is:

I have a follow up question regarding trigger based sensors. The documentation for trigger sensors states: trigger list (optional) Define an automation trigger to update the entities. Optional. If omitted will update based on referenced entities.
What would be the difference between

  - sensor:


  - trigger: