Does anyone know if I can flash this board?

I got this recently and and not sure if this is esp based, does have wifi and ble features but no recognizable chip and some really weird pinouts.

Is it even possible to flash this with tasmota or esphome or something similar?

Hehe… Is the game about guessing what device it is?


Ok, I’m in :rofl:

I guess it’s an RF Mini. :wink:

EDIT: @koying You haven’t made a guess?! :slight_smile:

EDIT2: Sorry, @serioussam haven’t seen you’re a first time poster. :wink:
Hi and welcome, but without any further information, it’s likely nobody can help. Please give us at least what you know about the device, the more the better.

Definitely an IR blaster, but no clue which :smiley:

EDIT: Ah, the P/N gave it up

:+1: :partying_face: According to the thread you found it should be flashable with Tuya. At least some of the guys over there have done that. :slight_smile:

Having a Tuya and an Apple device on the same picture is disturbing, somehow :rofl:


Yes - LibreTiny Esphome Fork is the way to go :rocket:

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Apologies I bout an IR Bridge off of Amazon

Possibly but not necessarily.

If you can zoom in and get whatever text is on the chip, there is a possibility that the header allows you to flash it - after ID of chip, read the datasheet, figure out details, compatibility, and so on.

What is on the other side?

There is just micro usb on other side, Can’t get a clear photo but its a BK7241N chip.

I cannot find anything about BK7241N. Is there a logo on it? Does it look like the Expressif logo ( the circle with wifi-ish look, left of their name)?
Is there more text? It appears there is maybe three lines, not just one.

Possibly tasmota.

Thanks for the link, I’ll know what to avoid since other tuya remote has separate beken chip on the pcb.

Yours is likely BK7231N, unless you can provide a clearer picture