Does device_id matter?

Had exactly the same experience when I first started using home assistant. I have avoided the UI like the plague since. Love how it arranges all the automation yaml in alphabetical order to make it as difficult as possible to read if you are human :roll_eyes:


Aren’t those remotes zigbee protocol?

If they are you can go to the developers tools->events tab and start listening for “zha_event”.

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Go to Developer Tools → Events, enter * in the Listening to events box, press start listening. You should now see an event every time you press a button on the remote, you can then use these events to create your automations in YAML with the event trigger. Take a look here (I know it’s for deconz, but the principle is exactly the same to create automations from events)


Thanks for the suggestions @Burningstone I’ll have a look and see what I can make of it,


Thanks, I did try that and nothing… also listening to deconz_event did produce results but nothing referring to what button was pressed

Is your device integrated through Deconz? Can you please show the event you see, it should contain all the information needed. There will be no name for a button press, instead there will be a 4-digit code like 1002, 1001 etc.