Does sending message from function node turn on the light?

If you open the call service node and press the manual button there is an example of how to make the call service completely dynamic

By changing the entity id and data parameters then one call service can do everything.

First- what is wrong with that?
Second, you can set all of the call.service parameters in the function node and send them to a generic call.service node:

    "domain": "homeassistant",
    "service": "turn_on",
    "target": {
        "area_id": ["kitchen"],
        "device_id": ["8932894082930482903"],
        "entity_id": ["", "switch.garage_light"]
    "data": {
        "brightness_pct": 50

I see that Hellis beat me to the answer.

It is baffling that you want to make this difficult.

Thank you. Looks promising. Is it possible to both turn on some devices and turn off some devices in one call service?

Just trying to learn the limits of what’s possible and what’s not.


replace turn_on with turn_off