Dont triggering Automations SUN and fixed timer

I am new here. I have installed Home Assistant recently and staring to know more about it.
My situation is:
I have some automations by SUN in order to ON/OFF the lighs at sunset or sunrise. The problem is the automation is not triggering or trigeting in incorrect time.
The same way with the fixed hour to trigger, sometines delay or simple doest happen the automation.
I sure about the time zone and local configurations.
Can someone help me?

Cleber Delfino
Itu/SP - Brazil

How are you running HA?

I am running HAOS on Windows, using Oracle Virtual Machine.

This is a relatively common issue with VMs and Home Assistant. I don’t know anything specifically about Oracle VM, but you may want to look at some of the following:

I installed my HAOS direclty using a new computer, not using VM.

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