Doorbird integration

Thank you, I of course missed this completely. I’ve only ever found the button schedule on my own…


indeed i was referring to the events in HA. But if this was a new change i didn’t know about then its my bad :slight_smile: but like i said, all is working. When checking the events now (was busy with some other triggers too, i do see more now) so it seems it took sime time and now its all fine. Cannot seem to reproduce what i had… (ofcourse)

Either way, thanks for all the work! For me the documentation was really good, including where to go in the app, i always was clicking away untill i found it.

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I’m new ti HA, so please excuse if this is a silly question. Is there a proper way to get a visual in the Lovelace UI when the doorbell is pressed (kind of like Binary Sensor)?

Not a silly question…what is your end goal for wanting a visual in the front end when the doorbell is pressed.

Hi Amit,

We have some tablets mounted on the wall that show the status of all the entities and I was hoping to include the doorbell.

Im not that strong with lovelace…but just a quick thought i think the picture entity card might work for you.

Picture Entity Card

It can display two images depending on the state of a switch. ON and OFF.
In your case you can setup a switch that is ON for a certain amount of time (perhaps on until the door is opened) when the doorbell is rung.

Hi All,
I am looking at Doorbird and would like it to work in HA like an old fashioned intercom. Ie I have android tablet running HA and I would like to be able to answer the door from the Tablet and converse with that person at the front door. Can this be done with Doorbird or is it only video that can be seen in a Lovelace card?

I believe its only the video you can get in HA. But if you have an android tablet, you can have the doorbird app on there to talk to the Doorbird from the tablet.

Mind you, you can only stream the video from the doorbird to a single endpoint (that’s a doorbird limitation). So when you pick up the video on the tablet or on a phone, the stream will get disconnected in Home Assistant.

We have also found that using the doorbird SIP integration has much better voice quality than using the app as an intercom.

I’m closing this thread as it has served it’s purpose. Please start a new thread for further discussion on the doorbird integration.