Double Entries included for all my things?

Hi since setting up Home Assistant Cloud/Nabu Cassa, I now have double entries for most of my things in Google Home.

What is the best way to deal with this? Do I delete the service providers from Google Home, so that the only visible entries are from those created by Home Assistant? Is this really advisable?

That seems like a bit of a commitment to going all in with Home Assistant, when the initial plan was to use it for a month and see how far I get.

Atm, although I’m not sure it’s such a fair comparison, what drove me to Home Assistant was that IFTTT started charging for what was previously a free service. It wasn’t paying them that was the issue so much (although their pricing strategy has been pretty chaotic), it’s that the way they went about it made me think maybe they were a bit desperate. I was worried that perhaps they could go out of business at any second and I would be left stuck and unable to do all the things I had become so used (and somewhat dependant) on doing. I’m not complaining about the $5 a month charge, but it’s ironic that my goal was to escape relying on third parties too much and to not pay for a service that seemed to be on it’s last legs anyway, only to be in a position where I am now paying more that I would have paid, if I had just stuck with IFTTT, lol.

So is it fair to say that Home Assistant is a viable replacement for IFTTT? What about Weather underground and location? These tend to be among my most used services. (Although I have a total of 76 applets that all get regularly used.) One of the best things about IFTTT is the ability to have Google Home Offer custom responses, because if you use the right random character as your custom response you can trick Google Home into performing the action while remaining completely silent. So I’m a little concerned that Home assistant doesn’t seem to have this feature and that Google Home could go back to her old over-chatty self if I ditch IFTTT? Is there a way to make Google home offer only silent responses when I call an action, as can be done with IFTTT?

Home assistant is far far more than ifttt.

I have no idea about google home. I don’t do cloud services if I can avoid it.

You don’t need nabu casa to run ha.

Well I have a requirement due to disability, to use a voice assistant and voice control for most of my things. I have long wished there was a reliable and equally useful open source alternative to both GH and Alexa. I’m not keen on living in someone else’s pocket either. I’ve been eyeing the MyCroft project for a while: and I suspect it would probably make a great Home Assistant integration (if this hasn’t been done already). But the downside to MyCroft is that it’s impossible to find any meaningful reviews, outside a few Kickstarter type videos. So it’s not easy to know how useful this would be.

You should also take a look at rhasspy. Rhasspy offline voice assistant toolkit

Mycroft is integrated

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Hi @jebus2504, Rhasspy author here. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. I’d really like to make Rhasspy more accessible for people with disabilities, so any feedback would be helpful.

Rhasspy is less polished than Mycroft, but it does have the advantage of being completely local – no data leaves your home. It also lets you precisely specify your voice commands instead of trying to guess what you mean. So you can bind arbitrary sentences (even made-up words) to any intent in HA or a NodeRED flow.