Downgrading HassOS 4.8

It may work for you or it may cause problems, so if you’re not waiting for anything specific in 4.8/9, I recommend waiting for the next release.

For what it’s worth, I’ve run 4.8 and 4.9 without any problems in an x86 vm.

Can somebody tell me which is the latest stable release of the hassos for rpi4 before the 5.8?
I am having problems with the 5.8 and cannot remember which was the latest i was running…

All 5.x versions until 5.8 were “prerelease”. 5.8 is a “production” version.

You could have used the 4.x versions on a RPI4 unless you had 8GB or wanted to boot from SSD, so I don’t know what you were using before.


my HA has been constantly freezing (not accessible) since version 4.9. There was some memory issue, which was the cause for some but apparently not for me. So I was running 4.8 and have been trying to update, when there was a new version (to 5.0, then 5.10, then to 5.11 then to 5.12) and there is still no solution. I am running RPi 4.

Is there anybody with the same issue?