Dropbox backup upload not working anymore?

Getting error “An error occurred requesting /chunked_upload”. I have checked for this error on developer’s github and there are few issues with this error still open after months. Last update to script is 3 years old. From that I assume that script is not supported anymore and issues will not be fixed. Does it work for anyone?

There are plenty of alternatives:

To a NAS: Samba Backup: Create and store snapshots on a Samba share

To Goggle Drive: Add-on: Home Assistant Google Drive Backup

To DropBox: Hass.io Add-on: Upload hassio snapshots to Dropbox

To NextCloud or S3: [New Addon] Snap-Shipper - Webdav and S3 backups (and probably other ways to later on)

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Daniel Welsh’s addon? I think it’s abandoned and I switched to using a bash script as I still wanted to use dropbox. There is an open issue on the github which has my script etc in it if you are interested. If you are running HA OS it likely won’t work but running supervised will be fine. I also switched to the new dropbox Oauth as the current projects/api will be removed on 1st Sept.

Thanks for response I switched to Google upload it is much better.