DS-KD8003 - DS-KV8113 - DS-KV8213 - DS-KV6113 - DS-KV8413 and .... integration Hikvision HikConnect Video intercom doorbell

First of all, thank you very much. I am facing an issue with registering my indoor station with asterisk (addon). I tried method 1 first from your documentation but i got error 403…Then i went with the option 2 by changing the “lines” in pjsip_custom.conf according to the documentation. Restarted Asterisk addon, Run the Script using shell command, add Asterisk as extension in indoor station “Extension Settings” but nothing…If i try to run the script using terminal this is what i get :

Indoor Station is DS-KH6320-WTE1 V2.2.2 build 22.11.29 (IP:
Outdoor Station DS-KV6113-WPE1(B) V2.2.53 build 22.08.16 (IP:

Can you show me the output of the script?

Ha configuration yaml


 hikvision_sip: nohup python3 /config/hikvision_register.py --ip --domain --username 10000000005 --extension 10000000005 --name Asterisk --password MYPASSWORD $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Ha log doesn’t show anything when i run the script.

Maybe i am missing something…I set up hikvision sdk addon(works perfect), baresip addon for calling the outdoor station using linphone etc. according your instructions works perfect too.

When i run the script from Ha terminal addon why it shows “NameError: name 'requests” is not defined. ? Something about line 427 of the script.

Hello all!

I am using the rest sensor exactly like posted above:

And since the 2023.1 release it seems to be not working anymore (5th of Jan is the last time it worked for me). Does anybody knows why? I didn’t change anything in the system…

Try the script first manually with an SSH terminal to see output

Try the ISAPi from ssh, to see output

The script seems to work, output is:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2023 19:08:33 GMT
Server: webs
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
WWW-Authenticate: Digest qop=“auth”, realm=“DS-1FF4774A”, nonce=“OTI4ZmJhY2EyZGMyYTViNDRhMWMwYmViZDA0YmRiZDI=”, stale=“false”, opaque="", domain="::"
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2023 19:08:33 GMT
Server: webs
Content-Length: 42
Connection: close
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Type: application/json

“CallStatus”: {
“status”: “idle”

That looks good indeed

Yes, and then log says:
2023-01-14 19:19:35.454 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable error: ‘value_json’ is undefined when rendering ‘{{ value_json.CallStatus.status }}’
I really don’t get it, not sure what broke this simple sensor that used to work perfectly…

Why not use my addon , much better , no polling needed

what about those who don’t have an add-on store?

Then modify the script and don’t use the addon options, input them manually

How exactly to do this, please tell me

Just use the dockerfile as posted abovea few posts back and make all variables hardcoded…

Hi Fabio,
Can I install your addon on RPI 3 B+ ?
Home Assistant Add-on: Hikvision Baresip client for injecting RTSP video feed into an Asterisk conference


The baresip, should work, never tried tough, but it’s based on debian , should be good

I’m trying to install the component but I get the following message:
no matching manifest for linux/arm64 in the manifest list entries

I tried from the addon SSH & Web Terminal with protection mode off if it matters and ssh using putty.
Which ssh method is correct? If i ssh into my ha ip using putty it can’t run python3…Maybe i have to install something first. Using SSH & Web terminal addon is correct to run the script?

Hmm, strange, I need to look later, but I don’t have an RPI to test

Hmm, python3 should be included, I always use it to test, not sure why you are getting that error… Is the filename/folder correct? Try to drop the $1 at the end of the command