DS-KD8003 - DS-KV8113 - DS-KV8213 - DS-KV6113 - DS-KV8413 and .... integration Hikvision HikConnect Video intercom doorbell

I have the KV-6113 running through scrypted + the motion detected alerts sent over via an HACS integration called Send Webhooks.

Scrypted is very alpha right now and I am patiently waiting for homebridge to integrate HKSV, which should happen any week now. I have noticed that the lag time to open a stream in Scrypted is near zero (due to the pre buffer HKSV requires)

Hi can you please explain how you do this?

what did you get?

Now I have an Indoor Station DS-KH6310-A
And a Villa Station DS-KV8102

WIsh to buy this series to replace the above

What I wish to have is motion detection, but more importantly doorpress event in Home Assistant.

IS this the best solution still, or it came outr something better in the m arket?

Yes, 3 good solutions, SDK (x86-64 host ) needed, or isapi , or hikconnect cloud ā€¦

So no hardware or esp neededā€¦ But confirm your model with other users, I only have 8003 series

On this model isapi is no available. I also has KV8102 and now i use integration and he only share script to open door.
I still waiting to will be available press ring status to HA

with hikconnect cloud integration it should be possible?

Now no available. Only open door. When Thomas add it will be.

Yes , but I think he wants to replace by 8213

You mean that Thomas?

No, @Klagio , he wants to replace


Thank you for dot posting here.

Please can you provide insight into a few areas?

1 - is ISAPI planned for the KV-6113 series video intercom (and similar models)?

2 - is there an ARM compatible version of the SDK? I would like to utilize it on a microcomputer like a raspberry pi.

3 - can we modify the output format of both audio and video?

Thank you!

I think he is gone, he is not replying anymore

Well yes I want to replace only because of doorpress events actually (and also because I can use RTSP only from 1-2 sources then crashes, while other hikvision camera I can connect 3-4-5 viewers without problems

Anyone understands the difference


EDIT anyway I ordered DS-KV8213-WME1, hopoe it will work with old version of Indoor Station DS-KH6310-A

anyone has this model (or the 1 or 4 button) ?

For the ARM SDK, donā€™t expect it soon, seems hikvision doesnā€™t have a developer in houseā€¦ They are hiring people at this momentā€¦ They are looking for a freelancee with experience on arm processor

I guess we can only hope that a new FW is published which includes ISAPI for all video intercom devices.

Ha, just arrived the item also wondering how to. WIll find out and post it.

So how is the door press event integration in HASS?

Can someone give me the link (800+ post its a lot!)

I need to do just this and I have a SENSOR in HASS?

BTW I have the 2 door button/bells how to check first or second?