Dual Thermostat Card

Do you still have to convert your lovelace config to YAML to make this work?

I did try switching, but all my layout info disappeared - and I don’t really want to have to re-create it all…

I did try to use a migration tool, but had little success overall in it converting things properly…

The entity error is now resolved. Thank you!

EDIT2: Disregard. My Zwave was down for some reason. I had to restart the computer and it all came back.

I updated a couple weeks back to 87.1. However, the dual thermostat cards aren’t showing up in LoveLace at all. I updated dualthermostat to the latest version, and got the error due to the breaking change. I corrected that error but the cards still don’t show up. Does anyone know why that is the case?

EDIT: I just updated to .88.2 and the cards still don’t show up. I’ve also changed the ‘version’ on the resource URL, and still the same.

You don’t need the YAML mode. Lovelace has a RAW config editor in the frontend. You can use this to manually add the card in code.

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So I’m now using 0.2.0 - and the card displays, but I only get a cool option - no heat.

I have two stock ‘thermostat’ card, one for the heater, one for the aircon - and they display correctly as heat / cool…

The YAML I’m using is:

  - type: 'custom:dual-thermostat'
    name: Climate Control
      - entity: climate.aircon
        type: cool
      - entity: climate.heater
        type: heat
    fan_control: false
    min_slider: 15
    max_slider: 30

Check the browsers console your entity ID must be invalid.

Nothing in the browser console…

Entity names seem fine:

Pretty sure it won’t work due to your aircon and heater being two completely separate systems from the looks of it based on your operation_list

I believe this card is meant to be used for devices that list like my thermostat here:

@CRCinAU Ok I see, yes @firstof9 is right. The card grabs the operation modes from the first entity, in your case cool and off.

In that case, is there any way to combine the two? I’m not exactly sure if/how this is possible. (even if this is combining the two climate.* entities?)

Yes, in my case, the heater is a dry contact relay on an ESP8266, and the aircon is controlled via an IR LED on the same ESP8266…

Not with the current card but that should be an easy fix, just loop on each entity and push each mode to an array. I’ll look at it whenever I get a chance.

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hi, i’ve only one entity (i use melcloud mitshubishi) and when i set dual theromstat card only view temperature (i can’t set it) like this screen:


this is my yaml

  - type: custom:dual-thermostat
    name: Kirigamine
      - entity: climate.melcloud_soggiorno_42857
        type: cool
      - entity: climate.melcloud_soggiorno_42857
        type: heat
    fan_control: true
    min_slider: 18
    max_slider: 30

can you help me to set it propely?

It appears that there are no supported modes by your thermostat. Try using the native card and see if it works there.

These are both the SAME entity

I’ve only that entity

Then you don’t really have a dual thermostat?


not, only one :frowning:

Wow thank you so much for this card, exactly what I was missing! Works great with my honeywell zwave thermostat :slight_smile: I think the only thing I am missing from my other setup is showing when the thermostat was last-changed can we add that here?

Also noticed the OP should probably be updated to match the new configuration found on github since its a bit out of date.

Thank you for all of your work to create this card. I do have one request… I created a sensor to display the thermostat “mode” in more detail using a template sensor. Would it be possible to add an additional (optional) entity to the config to replace the “current-mode” value with that from a specified sensor? This is what I have in mind:

  - entity: climate.trane_cooling
    type: cool
  - entity: climate.trane_heating
    type: heat
  - entity: sensor.climate_thermostat_state
    type: state
fan_control: true
max_slider: 80
min_slider: 60

This is the sensor that I’m wanting to map:

  friendly_name: 'Thermostat State'
  value_template: >-
    {% set fan_state=states.climate.trane_heating.attributes.fan_state %}
    {% set fan_mode=states.climate.trane_heating.attributes.fan_mode %}
    {% set opr_state=states.climate.trane_heating.attributes.operating_state %}
    {% if opr_state == 'Idle' %}
    {% else %}
      {% if (fan_state == 'Running') and (opr_state == 'Fan Only') %}
        {% if (fan_mode == 'Circulate') %}
        {% else %}
          Fan On
        {% endif %} 
      {% else %}
        {{ opr_state | replace('State 07', "Heating") | replace('Vent / Economizer', 'Compressor Wait')}} 
      {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

Causing the state from the sensor to display rather than “Heat/Cool”.

@enriqg9 Any chance to take a look at this yet and make an update?