Dutch car data sensor (APK)

To create a sensor/automation/notification for like when your APK(Dutch) expires it would be handy to create a component for this. https://overheid.io/documentatie/voertuiggegevens

I guess there is way more information when you create a component for overheid.io or even create a list of the specifications of the licence plate.

The Free Developer API Key can go up to:
500 API calls each month.
500 suggestions each month.
500 geo lookups each month.
(So you probably have to set a limit of API calls to max 10 a day to stay within the monthly limit)

I hope some developer is also interested in creating a component for this.

Suggestion (as told per Discord):

Use RDW opendata. Public official data, no API key needed.

Example for license plate 11-DD-DD:


vervaldatum_apk is the field you are looking for.

Docs: https://opendata.rdw.nl/Voertuigen/Open-Data-RDW-Gekentekende_voertuigen/m9d7-ebf2

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Better way of implementation into home assistant:

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I realy like this plugin.

Is it possible tot make an update with HACS support, since custom updater will be phased out zoon.

THANKS, @frenck !! It took some years but this is awesome.

Since the custom addon for this also died a long time ago…

2021.12: RDW - Home Assistant