Dutch gas prices addon

The installation can crash, not your HA. If the installation crashes, just start the installation again

@EnsconcE need your help. After upgrade to Debian 12 Bookworm addon fails and won’t reinstall :wink:

Just release 2023.8.7.1 to fix installation issues, but also a 403 error where the tankservice would not accept the request from DGP.

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Thank you so much! :wink:

But it still won’t work for me…

Solved by @EnsconcE :wink:

English please

Has anyone any time to look at Error on install · Issue #55 · Skons/hassio-addons · GitHub?

It has slipped my attention, on it :slight_smile:

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I need some help to test my possible solution, is there anyone with a rpi having issues installing and can you test this possible solution?

Where can I change the attributes that are shown in de entity? I would like to add the address.


in the automation.

Like this:

alias: Update gas stations
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: "5"
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: start
  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: dgp/gas_stations
      payload_template: >-
        state_attr("person.mischa", "latitude") }},"longitude":{{
        state_attr("person.mischa", "longitude")
        }},"friendly_name_template":"[brand] ([station_street])",

you get this:


Thanks! That was easy :slight_smile:

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Is it also possible to do this for 2 locations?
For example 5 stations around my home and 5 around my work. I get the lat/lon from 2 zones then: zone.home and zone.work

Yes, check this one

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What I mean was this. I have 5 fixed gas stations. But want same as 5 nearest (refresh based on price)

alias: Update gas stations
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: "5"
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: start

# home
  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: dgp/gas_stations
      payload_template: >-
        state_attr("zone.home", "latitude") }},"longitude":{{
        state_attr("zone.home", "longitude")
        }},"friendly_name_template":"[brand] ([station_street])",

# Work
  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: dgp/gas_stations
      payload_template: >-
        state_attr("zone.work", "latitude") }},"longitude":{{
        state_attr("zone.work", "longitude")
        }},"friendly_name_template":"[brand] ([station_street])",

This automation is not working. I only get 5 and not 10

Yeah, you should use the property identifier in the payload_template. The link i sent describes the usage, if you scroll up a bit you can see the property used but with optional described behind it

Just released version 2023.10.15.1 with multiple fixes. Be aware, there could be a breaking change depending on how you use the entities. @ArenaCloser your issue should be fixed also.


For me it’s working now also. Thanks for the great work!

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How can i add a city or town name?

It’s in the attributes, so you can extract it :wink: Just edit the automations payload template adding the station adress.