Dutch gas prices addon

Just released 2023.4.26.1 which fixes an issue with 2 entities showing up when requesting a station by id.

There is also a new feature: the images (original and edited) are send through mqtt to dgp/[station_id] as a url encoded string. This way you are able to review the images that where, until now, only available internally.

Images? What images? What em I missing?

DGP == OCR on images provided by https://directlease.nl/tankservice/. The image that is being scanned to get the data from, that image is now available through MQTT.

Oh ok, nothing a user can do with.

I for a second thought, you are now sending Brand Logo’s out :smiley:

So yeah, the brand is send with the image so you are not totally wrong. It is not directly available, but you could write it to disk and present it somewhere, like in your messages. This is something the addon could also do, but i am not sure if they should written them to disk to be available.

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new issue:

[2023-05-05 16:45:24] ERROR   : Unable to process gas_stations payload ''{"fuel_type":"euro95","radius":5,"latitude":52.xxx,"longitude":4.xxx,
    "to_publish":3}'' with error: 'Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)'

Can you reproduce this issue? Did it work earlier? What automation are you using?

Hoi! I’m curious to try out this add-on, but I’m afraid to install it if it could potentially crash my HA instance. Since the known issues report that “On an RPi3 the installation could crash the system, a retry of the installation should fix it”. I’m running HA Core 2022.12.8 on an RPi 3B+.

Any thoughts?

The installation can crash, not your HA. If the installation crashes, just start the installation again

@EnsconcE need your help. After upgrade to Debian 12 Bookworm addon fails and won’t reinstall :wink:

Just release 2023.8.7.1 to fix installation issues, but also a 403 error where the tankservice would not accept the request from DGP.

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Thank you so much! :wink:

But it still won’t work for me…

Solved by @EnsconcE :wink:

English please

Has anyone any time to look at Error on install · Issue #55 · Skons/hassio-addons · GitHub?

It has slipped my attention, on it :slight_smile:

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I need some help to test my possible solution, is there anyone with a rpi having issues installing and can you test this possible solution?

Where can I change the attributes that are shown in de entity? I would like to add the address.


in the automation.

Like this:

alias: Update gas stations
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: "5"
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: start
  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: dgp/gas_stations
      payload_template: >-
        state_attr("person.mischa", "latitude") }},"longitude":{{
        state_attr("person.mischa", "longitude")
        }},"friendly_name_template":"[brand] ([station_street])",

you get this:


Thanks! That was easy :slight_smile:

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