Dutch precipitation forecast based on buienradar.nl


I have managed to include the raw data into the sensor: https://github.com/bouwew/rain_prediction
I’ve added a few lines to @koen01 's code to make this happen.

I have been looking for a Lovelace card that can show this data in a proper format, until now, nothing found…

Just a heads up, if you change your configuration from using lat/lon via configuration file to the storage entity via the gui the chances are very big you wont get the exact same lat/lon saved. When this happens it will create new entity’s and they will all end with _2 instead of the normal one. So if you have duplicate weather buienradar entity’s then that will be the issue (just writing it fully so it is easy to search)

Hi Erik Jan, can you tell me how you get that graph for precipitaion for rain for the next 2 hours. I have no clue where you get the data from. Wich sensor from buienradar are you using ?

Seems i don’t know either, but the weather precipitation does seems to be the most matching:


And combine that with the “timeframe” option at https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/sensor.buienradar/

Hi, is this still supposed to work? I take it that I yr files go into custom_components/rain sub directory? Unfortunately, no sensor.regen_voorspelling visible. Appreciate yr comments.

No, I’m using the latest version by Spudje from here: Custom UI: Buienradar rain forecast graph

Just getting involved in the Buienradar Home Assistant integration and I like it!

I would also love to see the current precipitation based on GPS instead of one of the weather stations. I have an automation warning through TTS on my smart speakers if there are still doors or windows open if there is a substantial amount of rain for more than x minutes. This doesn’t quite work as the nearest station is approx 15 km’s away so sometimes the warning goes off, while the sun is shining (and it’s not raining) where I’m at :slight_smile: …Any chance of getting current precipitation based on GPS as well?

I haven’t found this topic elsewhere, so if this should be posted some place else, please let me know, I’ll copy/move this comment.

Use the rain forecast addon, see my post above, or more posts in this topic.
In this one you’re entering your GPS coordinates.

This topic is NOT about the Buienradar Home Assistant integration.

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Thanks! Sorry for misplacing this post. :+1: