Dynamic, personal bedtime/wakeup sensors and alarm clock/bedtime notification, ideas/tips needed

I need some help to start off my latest idea in my quest for a automated (not remote controlled) house :slight_smile:
Right now I’m unable to wrap my head around how I will do this exactly, so I’m thinking that maybe by sharing my idea and writing it down I will either figure it out myself and can share the result.
Or that this community has some great tips or already working solutions to help me on the way

The idea is that I will never need to worry about setting an alarm clock and to have events trigger when I “should be awake, but is asleep” or “should be asleep, but is awake”.

I have working input_booleans and sensors to set our “states” currently that I will be comparing to this new sensor that will be the suggested “awake/asleep”-sensor.

Existing and working:

  • input_number.person_x_sleep_wanted
    • Preset amout of hours I want to sleep
  • input_number.person_x_morning_routine
    • time to add to sleep hours before a calendar event or office hours start
  • input_boolean.person_x_awake
    • controlled by google routine, bedside button - this will tell if I’m actually awake or not, automation takes care of it if I forget it (if it is night and no movements in the house, no chromecast playing, computer is idle etc it will switch this one to off )

Need to create:

  • binary_sensor.person_x_awake_recommended
    • Template from below sensors: if after bedtime and before wakeup -> asleep, else -> awake
  • sensor.person_x_next_bedtime (template sensor)
    • timestamp of next recommended bedtime, if still awake negative values until next wakeup time is within 1 hour (for example)
    • first to occur from:
      • calendar event start time - morning routines - sleep wanted
      • if workday: office hour start time - morning_routine - sleep wanted
      • latest time to wake up if no event/workday - sleep wanted
  • sensor.person_x_next_wakeup (template sensor)
    • negative values if person is asleep and time for next bedtime has not passed
    • first to occur from:
      • first calendar event+morning routine
      • if workday: office hour start time + morning_routine
      • time when input_boolean.person_x_awake was switched off + sleep_wanted
      • latest time to wake up if no events (preset time)

Soo, even thhough it takes some time for me between efforts I am little by little getting closer with this.
The current struggle is for to create a template sensor that will show the earliest time/lowest value of 3 sensors:

  • calendar event time
  • bedtime + x-hours set from input_number

And this last one I haven’t been able to crack out a template for yet, but I’m assuming it should not be too difficult once I read up a little:
If hour >12
set “tomorrow” @ input_datetime
set “today”@ input_datetime

Hey man! Have you shared the code anywhere yet? Would love to try to help push this forward if I can. Sounds useful for me too.

Hi, no not yet. Not really sure how/when.
I’m separating it in a a separate “package” from my config, so it should only be a YAML file containing the sensors, automation, input_numbers and input_selects.
But at the moment struggling a bit with templating of dates back and forth between UNIX and normal formats.

have you seen this:

I don’t know if it will help but it can’t hurt (I hope… :wink:)

It does, been on that one.
Problem is that I’m loosing track of what I’m working on as I need to create several templates, but I think I’m close to having all “modes” working.

I’m creating a Selector to choose “Full auto”, “Calendar only”, “Manual time” or “Off”
But I get ideas while doing it, so possibly need to add options for.
“Late Weekend”-days and “Holidays” (from a google holiday calendar or the “workday”-sensor.

Another problem is that I have many dependencies from “other” sensors and digging them all out is a bit of work it seems, but will try and share what I have

Ho Forschi
This sounds very interesting! Have you been able to get it to work? I would greatly appreciate it, if you could share your code.
Thank you :slight_smile: