Dyson not connecting anymore

Since the integration keeps on breaking when HA reboots, I’ve switched to shenxn/ha-dyson as well.

@GFawkes posted instructions above on how to use it with HACS.

Since version 0.6.1 from 6 days ago, installing the cloud component is not mandatory anymore.

If you run HA as a docker container (what install do I run?), you can install ha-dyson manually:

  1. Open a shell in your container ($ docker exec -it <ha_service_name> bash)
  2. Copy the directory dyson_local from shenxn/ha-dyson into /config/custom_components/
  3. Restart HA
  4. Add the ‘Dyson Local’ integration (from the web front-end → Menu > Configuration > Integrations → Add integration)
  5. Setup your device either by using the ‘device wifi information’ or ‘manually
  6. Enjoy! :slight_smile: