E.R.V.S - The Every Room Voice Sensor Board

Didn’t spend much time into it recently. :sweat_smile: I stopped because I have to dig into esp-idf framework mich deeper and still need to figure out how to run micro wake word on board and all microphones. Background noice makes it almost impossible to have good detection, even after trying 7 different microphones…
So most time is spent into rebuilding my house, change electric to make every switch smart and working with nWave senors and no voice to control everything. :sweat_smile:

How can we help?

This seems a really good pcb project. Keep up the good work :smiley:


Hey, biggest problem is (besides PCB Design and production) to port all sensors to be able to comiple with MicroWakeWord. As far as I know (it was my last try), you need

    type: esp-idf


  - source: github://tao-j/esphome@dev
    components: [ bme68x_bsec ]

and LD2450, yaml from Intro - SCREEK WORKSHOP do not work with these. LD2450 is not a big deal, but bme68x_bsec suc*s.
If you wanna try, try to get Micro WW running with GitHub - MStapelfeldt/home-assistent
This would help (cause I don’t have the time right now) and maybe I get the board running with this afterwards and can make new PCB with diffrent Pinouts then. I first want to get the sensors and WW running (without es7210) before this is the only part working and all sensors are faulty.

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Nice project :slight_smile:
I see on your screenshot that the esp is showing as 171.8 °C. Seems a lot for an uncooled device. And too high to be able to measure external temp.

Is that some kind of error?

No, the esp core temperature ist Not in issue at all. Also the measurement from external temp sensors are quite accurate, compared to other sensors I have in the house. The only big issue I have at the Moment are software related and comes from micro wake word implementation from HA/Esphome and other libraries.
They are aiming mainly for esp32 box s3 and I’m not able to change hard coded pin outs or implement different libraries I need for bme680 and stuff.

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Honestly might be worth doing a patreon or something. I’m sure a lot of us would happily chip in to help with funding and compensate some of your time because this is an extremely awesome and unique project that I imagine would be hugely sought after, solves many problems and many of us would happily buy. You can still open source it


… I agree 100%


Really excited for this project! How is the dev coming along?

Not really going on. There is no way to get micro wake word and bme680 working together. So either someone needs to port bsec2 lib to esp-idf framework or micro WW to Arduino. Otherwise I need to find a similar sensor.

Hi i have been looking for a single device just like the one you are develouping, i will happily assist in any way to help get this moving again and hopefully into some sort of production.
Id be happy to look at the libraries but it would take a good few months to teach myself about them or i can help searching for an alternat sensor.


Hey there, got any update on this project since?
I’m currently aswell looking into developing a custom board, since the problem I have with the Onju-Voice drop in replacement board is having poor quality recording, causing trouble on the stt service side.

Btw. I’m german aswell.
And Btw. again, maybe I could help with porting, got some years of embeded software on my shoulders.

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