Ease of use

So I added that and seem to have saved it successfully. But now I’m unsure of the next step(s). When I ‘Add integration’ and type in Smappee I receive a “Component not configured…” message. I assume I need to connect via the cloud and not local? If it is local is the Host* the device IP address?


Not sure what file you have opened in that screenshot.
There should be a lot more in your configuration.yaml file.
It should look like this:

The actual content varies but there should be at least a few lines of stuff.

And yours doesn’t seem to be correct.

Also keep in mind the spaces are important.
In the example the C in client_id should match up with the A in smappee.
If it doesn’t then it will not work

So is that all stuff you’ve typed in?

I have 1375 lines of yaml in there.
A lot of it is old stuff that I now could use GUI to add.
Helpers for instance was just added through yaml previously, same with zones.
The climate entities you see in the screenshot is something that is still configured in yaml, but it controls the heating in each room.
I have about 400 lines of template sensors. Also something you can do in the GUI since last year.
Then there is a few integrations that still need a few lines of yaml in the configureation.yaml in order to work.

I could move a lot over to GUI but just haven’t done it.
I don’t really see a reason.

I’m still confused about the Smappee integration. When I try to add it I use “Cloud”. This is because I have a Smappee Connect which from my understanding requires API connectivity. As it says in the documentation:

This is what I see when I select add integration:

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 9.25.51 PM

And then when I click “submit” I receive the following message:

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 9.26.05 PM

So I’m pretty stumped. Any suggestions to what I’m missing would be appreciated.

Did you fix the issue with indentation and adding it to the correct file as I wrote previously?

When you refer to “the correct file”, what do you mean by that?

In this post here:

It’s unclear where you typed this.
It’s most likely no in configuration.yaml file.

Open the file editor
Press the foder button:

Then open the configuration.yaml file.

Is the Smappee details in this file?

Okay, thanks for directing me to that. Yes, I have /homeassistant/configuration.yaml but there are only the three lines as follows

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 6.18.59 PM

If I need to write the rest of the .yaml lines then I think I’m in this over my head.


I would say your HA shouldn’t function without the rest of the lines that should be there.
I’m really surprised about this.

What other files do you have in the folder?

Keep in mind that you can’t choose to use capital letters as you like, and the spaces between client and id should be an underscore.
I’m sorry to bother you about these things but it could brick your install.

If you save the file with a incorrect configuration as you posted picture of and then the power goes out then it will try to load with that configuration. And if you are unlucky then it will not boot at all.

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