Easier way to update firmware?

Feel free to send a PR so your function(s) can be included :arrow_up:


Is it? Last time I counted tasmota offered already over 100 different binaries in the web installer… :thinking: While in the past it could often happen that you have a sensor supported in one binary it lacked display support because that are in a different binary (a manual compilation of things is then necessary).

It’s actually monthly for feature release plus bug fixes. :raised_hands:

The way esphome (and ha is shipped) is close to a rolling release or continuous delivery approach, you can read more about that on wikipedia if you like to know more :point_down:


Not sure what you did wrong? Are you still wasting time with mqtt and not using the native api? :trophy:

For my 80+ esphome nodes all that it takes is one click on “update-all” to update all devices - that could obviously be automated but I rather do this myself every 2 or 3 months :bulb: