Easily track all your package/parcel!

hi. I am not familiar with the front end display code. Where do I paste the code into HA??

It’s to be put in a markdown card.

Hey works very nicely thanks.

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Anyone got a dutch version?
Ok how do i add a package? Its not possible to automatically add packages ? from bpost or postnl?
And how do i remove a package
And how do i see the state…

This is indeed very young integration :stuck_out_tongue:

Use the provided action.

See post Easily track all your package/parcel! - #19 by v1k70rk4

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I hope the creator of the integration makes his own card where you can add tracking, delete trackign and see state…
But fancier

That’s the goal, I’m also a dad with little free time, so it will come “when it’s ready” :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks a lot for the startup cards @v1k70rk4 <3


Thank you! Works great!!!

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This integration seems to be holding up well, along with the markdown in https://community.home-assistant.io/t/easily-track-all-your-package-parcel/781310/19?u=nickrout

Well done guys.

i love parcelsapp and use it all the time.
i’ve been waiting for this kind of integration for a while now.

does anyone know how to add new tracking numbers without using developer tools?

i’ve created 2 helpers (tracking number and name) and tried to use them in an automation that perform the track_package action. it seems the action does not support templating (like {{states.input_text.tracking_id.state}})…

any idea, anyone?

Hi and thanks for the tool. I started using it and got stuck quite fast because some big French carriers need the recipient postcode to send back the status.

It is available in parcelsapp api :

trackingId	string
// Tracking number
destinationCountry	string
// Destination country name in English: United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, etc
zipcode	string
// Optional postal code if required by carrier

Could you please add the feature in the backlog ? Best regards

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Where can i find a markdown card?
Can someone help me out with the card and the code please?

You need to add a card in Lovelace, it’s called the markdown card. Markdown card - Home Assistant

Then the code goes in the markdown card. See https://community.home-assistant.io/t/easily-track-all-your-package-parcel/781310/19?u=nickrout

I hope someone brings out a nice card for this instead of the markdown card, for now its something…

Hi @skank,

I want to know if this is working in Belgium for Bpost and PostNL, You probably added this integration already. If it is not working, I don’t need to install it.


Does the parcelsapp website work for you? If it does, then the integration will.

Yes it works, but i dont like that markdown card… will test this some further :stuck_out_tongue:

How can I add tracking number? ParcelApp integration only have 2 entitys
Parcels App Status
Update Parcels App Tracking

and i not see any place to insert tracking number


Hi @rubenzori86 ,

Go to Developer Tools - Actions
Choose Parcells App: TrackPackage
In here you can add your trackingID and a name for the parcel


Fine app. But my carrier is asking for a postal code. Where or how can i insert that?