Easy to install voice assistant


I am looking for easy to install voice assistant. I know there is a home assistant cloud which include a google assistant but i am looking for something for free at the moment, just for tests.

I think the easiest is snips.ai as addon. If we look in documentation, there is “If using a USB microphone” so there is my question - will it work with microphone connected to jack in raspberrypi and somehow speakers from TV through hdmi? I really dont care about answers, i just want to use voice commands.

If u want to use voice assistant in home u have to have microphone in every single room right? How to connect this and make it work with single raspberry? Do u install microphone in every single room? Besides how it works with google mini? Do i need have it in every room if i want use google assitant instead snips?

Thanks you in advance. Please use simple phrases because im beginner with hassio/electronics :slight_smile:

If you install Google assistant under the instructions for “first time setup” under “manual setup,” it is free. Snips is very cool, but even with the add-on it seems to be a bit of work to setup. The biggest difference is the hardware, with snips you’ll have to setup microphones and speakers with good arrays, but with Google assistant on a home mini or your phone, Google has already done that work. In my opinion snips is amazing for those who have privacy/local principle concerns, but Google assistant is probably better (and less effort) if you don’t.

I’ve tried Rhasspy - and I love teh fact that it’s all local:

Looks very promising for a hass.io setup - I’ve started working with it on an RPi3 on a machine separate from my main HA install.
Overall, voice commands work fine, but I haven’t had the time yet to get the hotword part to work just yet - that’s the only thing that’s holding me back from using it more.

From the concept, it also seems like you could set it up on one RPi per room and have them connected to your main RhasspyPi that does the voice recognition. Not sure, if the distributed recording ones could be something with less power than a Pi3, like a Pi Zero W or similar.

Have you tried https://www.home-assistant.io/components/snips/

I ended already with Google Assistant