Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

The script I linked to above allows you to do up to 255 calls in one script but I personally prefer @lonebaggie’s way to do it.

I must admit … much more elegant architecture :wink: even I would not use the alexa app to control the home.
The routines are not very user friendly to manage and talking to alexa in the train or office is not my favorite :slight_smile:
But anyway not much work to change for me, I only need one controlling script.

No not for automation . I use the alexa app when remote , to turn on lights, heating etc. The app is simple with nice large icons and you don’t have to open any ports to HA. I use the cloud integration to push all my HA devices to Alexa
You can use the app without having to talk to alexa, to turn devices on or off , or change temperature, etc , can you image the looks on the train, shouting down the phone :slight_smile:

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I got most working Thanks. Just want to know if the sensor value can be rounded to whole numbers?

# Automation
- alias: "Alexa Report"
  - platform: state
    entity_id: light.alexa_virtual
    to: 'on'
  - service: alexa_media.update_last_called  #this will force update the last Alexa attribute used by the sensor
  - delay: 00:00:01  # you may need to increase this value if you dont get the response on the echo you asked the question
  - service: notify.alexa_media
        -  '{{ states.sensor.last_alexa.state }}' 
        type: tts
      message: >-
        {% if (states.light.alexa_virtual.attributes.brightness | int / 255 * 100 ) | int  == 1  %}
          The bathroom temp is{{ states('sensor.bathroom_temp') }} degrees

Yes |round(0)

If you have lots of these calls try this

You need to have data_template instead of data. Am I wrong?

data_template is not necessary since 117.x. It should be possible to use data as well.
I did not change the code at any place so far and additionally found out, that with the variables component it seem to be still key to use data_template.

Hey, I’ve tried to get the notify feature working now for a while, but it doesn’t do anything when I send it off, and there’s nothing in the logs. There’s just the confirmation that the test script I made was activated, and then nothing. Can anybody help me?

Posting your code would be helpful :slight_smile:

Is there any way to disable some of the entities as I do not use the switches for do not disturb or the sensors for next alarm ect and I have a bunch of these entities I’d like to remove

@Pirol62 can device tracking be set up I’ve tried a few things but it never announces, this is the last I tried.

    - service: alexa_media.update_last_called
    - delay: "00:00:01"
    - service: notify.alexa_media
        target: "{{ states('sensor.last_called_alexa') }}"
          type: tts
        message: >
          {%- if is_state("device_tracker.life360_dee", "home") -%}
            The Dee is at home
          {%- else -%}
            Dee is at {{ states("device_tracker.life360_dee") }}
          {% endif %}

Same way you disable any entity, Configuration>Entities, disable whatever you like.

First of all please let me say “I sincerely apologize for losing it on the less than intelligent person that left the less than intelligent vulgar message condemning the long tedious work that you and many others have dedicated to this project for FREE”.
I got your point .

On a separate note, as I read all the comments about so many people having so many issues with reauthorizing, I have to ask myself what am I doing different (and how can I help others do the same) because I have (as he quietly knocks on wood, lol) been with this project since its inception and honestly have never had any real issues with reauthorization and sometimes go for months on end without needing to reauthorize. Although I can say that it has gotten pretty consistent at about every 2 to 3 weeks as of late (STILL A VERY SMALL PRICE TO PAY) I still just simply enter my password then wait for the otp from amazon which usually hits my phone before my finger comes off the submit button, enter it and off to the races for another couple of weeks.
I currently have 14 echo devices that consist of echo first gens, echo second gens, echo dot first gens, echo gen 4s and even an echo auto all active and linked across my home as well as my automotive repair business on the same network (aprox 10k square foot of echo coverage) and as far as authorization no problems at all. I run Home assistant core supervised on a Hyper-V vm that resides in a dell r720 server running on windows server 2016 . I have never used any type of authenticator app (never had a need, and hopefully never will) but do have tons of hassio addons and hacs apps running at any givin time and all my automations are handled by node red (just easier for me to wrap my head around) . This is not me bragging or anything like that , I just sincerely wonder why so many other people have a hard time with the amazon authorizations and I do not , because I definitely do not know what I am doing (not a coder or have any experience at it, I am a mechanic for 30 years) and most everything I know I have learned right here or on other forums from people like you. SO, IF THERE IS ANYTHING AT ALL THAT I CAN DO TO HELP PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK.

Given the built-in 2FA a go, great idea and good so far.

Might be worth reminding people that they need to remove the integration and add it again to change the set-up as it’s not obvious but also that it doesn’t affect anything else in your set-up other than to re-enable all those ‘extra’ entities.

Alright, here is my code:

alias: Alexa TTS Test
  - service: notify.alexa_media
        - media_player.noel
        type: tts
      message: test
mode: single

First up, your spacing is a right mess, try this…

- alias: Alexa TTS Test
  - service: notify.alexa_media
      - media_player.noel
        type: tts
      message: 'test'

Thanks for the heads up, but sadly that also doesn’t work. Is it because I am from Germany? Do I have to add anything to the config?

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You need to be sure you’re using the url your Amazon account is set up with so if you used you need to change it to that during set up rather than the default

Oh, now that seems to make sense. Is there any way I can trigger the setup again?

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