Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

So im not using custom updater, I added the two missing files, did the captcha, and nothing shows after that… any ideas?

Itll pop two captchas, one right after the other, and first one has the red text saying to reenter password, ive tried with password and captcha, and then doing both with captchas, and no luck either way.

I’m having a problem with media not changing the status. I have 4 fire devices and they all stay stuck on “standby” I can send tts notifications through just fine though so I’m not quite sure what is going on.

EDIT: Let me clarify i have 4 fire tv cubes and im wanting to know the state of the device (Playing/Paused/Standby) but all of them are just stuck on standby. Does this feature only work with certain apps on the fire devices?

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Notifications including Amazon SSML are working fine for me using the “announce” feature, except for playing remotely hosted .mp3 files (of course with the correct bitrate), Alexa simply skips them.
Is there anybody who got that to work or is it disabled by Amazon?

This error popped up today, after things have been working fine for months:


Relevant YAML code:

    - email: !secret alexa_email
      password: !secret alexa_password

  - platform: alexa_media
    name: alexa_media
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Happened to me as well :frowning:

Yeah total bummer that its broken lol. I make API calls to HA to have it speak things when I use my bar code scanner in the kitchen. No talking today :frowning:

Had the same error… Updated the py files and Home Assistant didn’t start :upside_down_face:

Worst part is I didn’t realise that Alexa media player was the problem because early in the morning I had another problem (had to restart the virtual machine to get started HA) so… I made a fresh install after various attempts.

Upload the backup from yesterday and all was fine except Alexa-media error… Updated again the py files and again can’t start Home Assistant. At least I found the reason!

Funny afternoon! :smiley:

It’s disabled by Amazon. I am however, working on a workaround using my Plex server to deliver my .mp3 files to my Echos (Plex is an “authorized content provider” by Amazon).
Haven’t made a lot of progress on that one though.

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i have the same issue, will there be a fix for this? or is there another way to get this working again?


Not near my computer until the weekend so not able to fully test or provide links. Are you using hassio? Is this with 0.94? We had some reports in the GitHub that subdependencies were not loading correctly in that environment which meant everything broke. To fix it you have to manually install the missing dependencies using pypi. The logs will be more specific but the reported issues were for beautifulsoup and simplejson which alexapy relies on. The issues were closed because hassio eventually installed the subdependencies but someone may be able to verify if that helps.

I am on 0.94 Hassio and everything working fine. I had to roll back to 0.93 to check something and had this error, Upon going back to 94 everything working fine again.

I’m running Hassio 93.2 and it worked fine until I had to do a reboot yesterday. Has this something to do with missing software? How did it work before the reboot?

I just restarted my HASS. I am using the docker version. Not that, that should make much of a difference. But my ECHO’s are now showing back up in HA.

I am on 0.94 Hassio and everything working fine.
I am using the docker version.

I SO want this to work but… All the media players come up and I can control them BUT TTS does not work at all! No talking whatsoever.

Running Hassbian with python 3.5 and HA 0.94.

Here is the log but I can’t see any errors:

2019-06-07 15:34:27 DEBUG (Thread-10) [custom_components.alexa_media.notify] TTS entities: [<Entity Kitchen: standby>]
2019-06-07 15:34:27 DEBUG (Thread-10) [custom_components.alexa_media.notify] TTS by <Entity Kitchen: standby> : test
2019-06-07 15:34:27 DEBUG (Thread-10) [alexapy.alexaapi] Running sequence: Alexa.Speak data: {"sequenceJson": "{\"@type\": \"\", \"startNode\": {\"@type\": \"\", \"type\": \"Alexa.Speak\", \"operationPayload\": {\"locale\": \"en-gb\", \"customerId\": \"XXXXXX\", \"deviceSerialNumber\": \"XXXXXXX\", \"deviceType\": \"A32DOYMUN6DTXA\", \"textToSpeak\": \"test\"}}}", "status": "ENABLED", "behaviorId": "PREVIEW"}
2019-06-07 15:35:54 DEBUG (Thread-22) [alexapy.alexawebsocket] Got Pong MSG from Server

Does anyone else have probelms with notify.alexa_media not working?

FIXED IT after hours of trying… deleted the pickle file and restarted HA then a new pickle file was created even without doing a new capture and TTS is working. RESULT!!! I love this project!!! :blush:

Unfortunately not working for me. Running on Pi. Upgraded HA from 0.93.2 to 0.94.1, deleted pickle file and re-entered captcha but still not working. Everything worked fine on 0.93.2 until I rebooted yesterday.

when I send notification to alexa_media it does not annouce on all devices. Shouldn’t this result in announcement to all devices.

  "data": {
    "method": "speak",
    "type": "announce"
  "message": "There is motion at the Entry Gate"

I put this into services and called notify.alexa_media and it failed with “NoneType object is not iterable” message

if nothing has changed, then you always need to provide an entity in a service.

The entity was notify.alexa_media

Normally I expect this to send to all devices.