Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

I selected only. If i select another country its not even enabling me to login.

Edit, It worked. Thanks fit the help

How can I get it to play from Apple Music (or any platform for that matter) As in…how do I include it as a Source? Right now, it says “Local Speaker.” It’s already connected in the Alexa app, but nowhere to be found in HA. I thought I read somewhere amongst the 3000+ posts that it should just “show up.” Show up where? I tried adding it as a source via Dev Tools, but it didn’t take.

(I tried to install iTunes API, that doesn’t work, because a) I have no Mac, and b) the install/server script doesn’t work).

The Source is just to connect bluetooth for now. If you want to play something, you use a service call.

Thank you!

Hi everyone,

I played a lot with tts tonight and I’m able to get some simple automation that work with simple message or template message.

However, when I tried to add random message like @Corey_Maxim did in that post with some message with template, it doesn’t seems to work. Can you have a look at those automation below please

This automation actually work

- alias: TTS back home
      - platform: state
        to: "home"
      condition: and
        - condition: time
          after: "17:00:00"
          before: "23:59:00"
        - condition: state
          entity_id: binary_sensor.workday_sensor
          state: "on"
      - wait_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.entree', 'on') }}"
      - service: notify.alexa_media
            type: announce
          message: "Hi {{trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name}}"

the same automation with

message: '{{ ["Hi {{trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name}}", "Hello mec!", "Simple test"] | random }}'

Alexa tts returns only message without the one with template.

Where am I wrong?

Trying to set this up for the first time today and if I choose sms or email nothing is sent! Does anyone have any idea on how to resolve that? Thanks!

Did you read some of the responses in this thread regarding 2FA?

I don’t think nested braces will work like that. Try it with:

message: '{{ ["Hi " + trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name, "Hello mec!", "Simple test"] | random }}'
1 Like

Yup. No matter what i try I get no code. Doesn’t matter if it’s email or sms.

Just as an update on the alexa the “stop audio all devices” command only seems to stop audio on most devices, but not all. I can reproduce without using HA so def a bug on the alexa side. I’m going to try modifying the python to send a “stop audio” for each device separately and see if that works. Fun get to learn the alexa plugin, the alexa API, HA API, and python all in one shot.

Still no luck getting an OTP code using email or sms. Went through this thread but did not find a solution that works. Nothing happens when I choose each option. Confirmed I can login to and receive OTP codes from their site fine. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know!


I haven’t had to use the OTP code in a long while but as far as I can remember clicking on either option never worked, I actually typed ‘sms’ into the box to get the code sent to me.

Maybe you are already doing that but I’m sure I clicked loads of times that never worked.


correct, doesn’t matter if I type sms or email. Nothing is sent.

I have a media player called media.player_ovunque that is made joining the three echo devices i have, but it seems not working when called from an automation or a script.
It works only when called by spotify card choosing this media player as source.
This is an example of an automation not working with this media player (while it is working good with other media players).

- alias: Allarme Meteo Abruzzo
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.allarme_meteo_abruzzo
#    from: ‘off’
    - condition: time
      after: '08:59:00'
      before: '23:00:00'
    - service: notify.mobile_app_sm_g955f
        title: "{{state_attr('binary_sensor.allarme_meteo_abruzzo', 'headline')}}"
        message: "{{state_attr('binary_sensor.allarme_meteo_abruzzo', 'description')}} is effective on {{state_attr('binary_sensor.allarme_meteo_abruzzo', 'effective')}}"
    - service: notify.alexa_media_ovunque
          type: tts
        message: "{{state_attr('binary_sensor.allarme_meteo_abruzzo', 'headline')}}, {{state_attr('binary_sensor.allarme_meteo_abruzzo', 'description')}}, {{state_attr('binary_sensor.allarme_meteo_abruzzo', 'instruction')}}"

I can receive the notification on my mobile, but not on the media player.
Any hints?

Turns out the reason I was not getting any OTP during setup was due to the VPN profile on my NAS. Disabled connection and setup worked flawlessly.

One question, will new devices get automatically detected when powered on? I forgot to include my firestick devices during setup. Or is there a way to add manually. Thanks!

If you used the ‘include’ feature then you have to add them ALL manually. If you don’t use the include setting they get automatically added.


Yup, I used the include feature. Where do I add them manually now? I couldn’t find where to add them.

it works that way. Thank you

hey all,
ive raised a bug but wanted to check here too.

this all used to work fine, until i changed my password on

ive uninstalled the old yaml config code, then rebooted
then i removed the HACS inegration and rebooted
so trying to do a “fresh” installed
note: i also removed out the 2 files: “alexa_media…html” and “alexa_media…pickle” files

i then reinstalled via HACS
did the integration (i only add 1 device IP, not all of them)

ive no rebooted 3+ times an no devices are showing at all:

My devices are no longer available. I deleted the pickle file restarted, redid the captcha but I don’t here a and or email with a verification code.

Is this something on Amazon’s end?
