Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

Hey guys,

Getting an error ‘media_content_id’

“required key not provided @ data[‘media_content_id’]”

Does anyone know what that is?


type: entities
  - type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
    entity: media_player.bedroom_echo_show
    artwork: cover
    sound_mode: full
    name: Playlist
    info: short
      volume: false
      power_state: true
      columns: 4
        - type: service
          name: Liked Songs
          id: media_player.play_media
          data: null
          entity_id: media_player.casual
          media_content_id: my playlist liked songs
          media_content_type: SPOTIFY
        - type: service
          name: 80s
          id: media_player.play_media
          data: null
          entity_id: media_player.casual
          media_content_id: Play 80s Music
          media_content_type: SPOTIFY
    source: icon

You cannot simple copy and paste.
1st - you need a harmomy remote
2nd - you have to adapt the entities to your ones
3rd - the pasted code above are input_selects and scripts and is only a subset of the complete code. Some automations have to be written as well
Last but not least: Don’t copy and paste. See this example as help or orientation how to approach an own solution and build it up step by step by your own.

Hi, I’m not familiar with mini-media-player but it looks like a mapping issue:


for example, thats a service of my harmony remote I call via custom-button-card:

  action: call-service
  service: remote.send_command
    entity_id: remote.wohnzimmer
    device: |
      [[[ return states['variable.active_harmony_device'].state ]]]
    command: DirectionDown

It works one time every ten times i try it…
Any hints?

Media_content_type should be either custom or routine. Try it with custom.

I tried already custom. To use routine i must create a routine before…

OK, then I have no further idea.
I do not control Alexa routines and have no experiences.
What could be a use case for that?

Simple stopping a skill running when not at home… When at home I’d like to stop that skill…

does it work every time when you say the word?
because i know that there are a lot of skills that wont stop when you say stop at certain moments.

Yes, it works always when i say the word “stop”.

look in the history from alexa to see if you can find the commands there.
if they are there then its an amzon problem, if not then its a problem from this intergration.

I checked and it seems the voice command is not recognized…
Do i need only the “stop” command or must i put “alexa, stop” as command?

only stop, because else it wouldnt show up in history at all :wink:
try saying it a few times to alexa, then see in the history if she writes it differently, then you do in your automation. (i suspect you dont use english)
also look for capitals, etc.

Newbie here, and maybe this is answered somewhere but I can’t find it. I’m trying to setup the Alexa media player for 2FA. My system is up to date as of 2/6/2021 (Pi-4).
Following the Wiki at:
I obtain the 2FA App Key from amazon, then in step 4
“Enter the value from 3 under the Built-in 2FA App Key when adding the integration. 2FA should be automatically generated from now on and can be left blank.”
what does ‘3’ mean in this instruction it make no sense to me. maybe it’s a type O or something. The Amazon page seems to expect you enter a generated key from the ‘APP’ to confirm proper setup of the 2FA App Key. How do I get the Alexa media player to display a generated key? Also there are various optional check boxes that may or may not be needed to be checked but there is no guidance on how to set these. What would be really help is an example of the setup page with the entries and items checked that are needed for proper 2FA setup. (with bogus App Key of course). Needless to say it never logs in to the account, and give me notification or failed logins. I still have entries in configuration.yaml for ‘alexa_media’ should I remove these? Thanks for any help.

It means step 3.


Hello everyone,

It’s been a long time since I installed the integration, I have all my devices, but the echo studio loudspeaker never returns its status, it always remains on a previous status, while my other devices work perfectly.
would you have a solution please, because I would like to use it to make automations according to its status but it does not go back up.


I will share my experience with this custom component and the mini-media-player, in lovelace :slight_smile: To use the button in mini-media-player associated with the media player of alexa, i use this

- type: custom:mini-media-player
  entity: media_player.echo_cuisine
  icon: 'mdi:amazon-alexa'
    source: true
    power_state: false
    controls: true
  source: icon
    platform: alexa
    columns: 3 # Max buttons per row
    - type: custom
      name: Virgin Radio
      id: "play virginradio on tunein"
      icon: mdi:radio
    - type: custom
      name: Fun Radio
      id: "play fun radio on tunein"
      icon: mdi:radio  
    - type: custom
      name: Skyrock
      id: "play skyrock on tunein"
      icon: mdi:radio
    - type: custom
      name: Mouv'
      id: "play mouv on tunein"
      icon: mdi:radio 

The button type property and the the button id property corresponding to the property of the service in the custom component alexa media_content_id and media_content_type . It’s really simple to use like that :slight_smile:

Best regards,

I’m having trouble logging into Amazon today.

Some notes: I successfully logged in a few days ago with 2FA enabled and this is the method I’m trying to use now. I had to start from scratch and create a new Amazon account and relink everything because when I transitioned my Alexa integration from the Philips Hue emulator to the self-hosted AWS solution, Alexa continued to recognize two phantom Philips devices no matter what I tried to purge them.

Using my new account, I’m now presented with additional challenges through the login proxy that I don’t remember the first time around. Specifically, a CAPTCHA challenge and then a request to enter a OTP (there is no field to enter it) is preventing me from authenticating. Is anyone else seeing this? Did Amazon change something to break the proxy, or is it just me?

Please open an issue and provide the domain you’re trying. I just tested it for .com and and I’m getting the right fields to fill in.

Please note the message you’re getting is strange in that it’s the screen for selecting where to generate an OTP and is typically filled with a email or SMS option. If you hit send OTP does it take you to the input screen for the OTP?

No–it takes me to the error screen in the second screenshot. This sequence works fine when this happens on the site.