Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

I’m not sure if this is the best place to post this, but I’ve been testing this integration and using tts notifications/announcements. I’ve noticed that when using a group created in alexa, that only type announcements work. I’ve also noticed that when sending a notification to an echo link, only type tts work. Is this a known issue? Can you point me to any information describing these issues or limitations? TIA!

The best place to check or document these types of issues is on the Wiki.

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Today I had to relogin again. Just one week after the last one. And the same procedure: ask for the code via mail or SMS, selected SMS, then the big form with all credentials information, simply sended, then choose again the way for the code and then it worked smoothly. Strange way but in the end it worked

Could someone tell me what I’m doing wrong here? I cannot get this to work. The screenshot is from the visual editor, but I’ve tried with examples here in straight YAML. I’m just doing this in a Script to test it.

I just setup the integration and I see my Alexa devices, Communications is enabled on each one, but triggering the script just gets me silence. Was I supposed to do more in the configuration.yaml?

EDIT: it does work if I use type: tts

This is how mine is setup

- service: notify.alexa_media


        target: media_player.downstairs


          type: announce

        message: "House Alarm Activating"

Read the FAQ’s in the wiki. There is a topic regarding Announce not working but TTS does.

I’ve noticed in this latest update:

Support lights and the temperature sensor of the Echo device by blm126 · Pull Request #1244 · custom-components/alexa_media_player (

That apparently somehow we can access the temperature reading on an Echo. I have a unit that has a temperature sensor in it but never been able to access it from HA.

I also have a Zigbee light bulb that I got from Amazon with some other stuff and have only been able to control it thru my Echo’s. Sounded like I could manage this to? Only do Z-Wave in HA but had the bulb so was using it but wasn’t fully integrated.

Can these be accessed now and is that documented somewhere?

Edit: Note I read the below but it seems to just tell you how to turn it on, not how to access or what those entities would be called.

Home · custom-components/alexa_media_player Wiki (

I still only see my 6 Echo devices under Entities.

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Thanks for the reply. I believe I already saw that in the FAQ, the 2nd one mentions to make sure Communications is enabled. I noted that I had done that in my original post.

Is there something else in there I’m just not seeing that relates to my problem?

Thank you! That did the trick!

Uh-oh, new issue today.
As usually happens every couple of weeks my HA-Alexa link died today, and I had to stop Home Assistant, delete the corresponding pickle file, and then restart HA to get the prompt to set up Alexa again. It’s always a pain because of the 2FA, the unreadable captchas, and the inconsistent prompts that often take a couple of tries to get the login sequence successfully completed.
But today, the first prompt that came up was a new one I’ve never seen before. It said “Click the Confirm button to begin the login” and presented a Confirm button. I click it, and comes right back after a brief blink with no action. If I click it several times in a row, same thing. But now Amazon wants me to reset my password. Did that, tried again, same problem. Tried a couple of browsers, same problem.,Can’t get past the “click Confirm to begin”.

I am so glad temperature sensors have now been added, its a great move for alexa media player.

I have a slight issue, I have 2 echo 4th gens, both have temp sensors and both display temps in the alexa app. However only one device has added a temp entity in HA, I’ve noticed the 2 echos are running slightly different firmware with the echo not showing being on newer firmware than the one that is.

Could this be the issue?

I don’t expect the issue is the newer firmware, but its impossible to say. Amazon didn’t exactly document the API and there was a fair bit of guess work involved in the implementation.
My best guess is just that your second Echo is reporting that it’s temperature sensor is manufactured by someone besides Amazon.I would have to see logs to know how your non-working Echo differs from mine when I built this.

Use the built-in 2FA rather than the diy 2FA and your life will become so much simpler.

No probs.

I’m happy to pick up offline and send logs etc so we don’t clog the forums if you want?

No idea what you mean, but I found the easier solution is to move all Alexa-related functions to Node Red, where things are a lot more stable.

Yep, probably best to just get a github issue created and move there. I’ll watch for a new issue to come in once you get the logs. You will need to enable debug logging on the alexapy.alexapi package to get the appropriate data. I use following config in my configuration.yaml to get logs

  default: error
    custom_components.alexa_media: debug
    alexapy.alexaapi: debug

I would review the log before posting though. It tends to contain a bunch of possibly personal data. The key line I need should begin with something like 2021-04-29 20:46:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [alexapy.alexaapi] b****6@g*******m: get_network_details response.

Perfect, I’ll get this added and pull the debug logs at some point over the weekend.

Is there anything I need to do to get you the data you need? e.g. Reload the integration or just restart HA to get fresh logs?

You will need to restart HA after adding that configuration.

Is there a way to dismiss a alexa alert timer without saying “alexa, stop”? I tried to send a “stop” custom command to my alexa device but the alert continues to play :-(.

try custom command “stop timer”