Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

@flyize I just did a quick review of the page you linked from the wiki. There were quite a few outdated sections and a few typos, which have now been edited. Please look over the wiki page again.


Hi, meanwhile it seems, that I have to relogin every second day. The bad thing is, that amazon sends me a 2FA code proactive. This morning at 07h. So I have to restart HA everytime in order to relaunch the login procedure.
There is a way, that alexa_mediaplayer creates the 2FA by itself in the background. Can somebody tell me how to customize this?

PS: I went for weekly shopping and when I came back, I had another 2FA Code in my SMS. Received a 08:00. Same procedure, restart HA and enter the new 2FA. That is now really annoing.
How can I automate the 2FA, because that works. It alway ask directly for a Code. If I could automate this, that would be great. I read, that the component can create the 2FA by itself.

From the wiki:

Built-in 2FA App

Requires >= 3.3.0

WARNING: By using this, your configuration files in Home Assistant will have all information to log into your Amazon account since it will have your password and the key to generate 2FA codes. Anyone who gets a copy of your core.config_entries file will be able to log in as you.

Instead of using a separate 2FA code, you can also register a 2FA app with Alexa Media Player.

  1. Go to’s 2FA page and Add new App. You should save this key so you can reuse it if you reinstall.
  2. Instead of scanning the QR code, select Can't scan the barcode.
  3. Select the bolded value under Enter your Key (e.g., 35T5 LQSY I5IO 3EFQ LGAJ I6YB JWBY JJPR PYT7 XPPW IDAK SQBJ CVXA)
  4. Enter the value from Step 3 in the Built-in 2FA App Key when adding the integration. 2FA should be automatically generated from now on and can be left blank.

I use the Alexa media player only for my actionable notifications. The rest like light, switches etc I use haaska. And for announcement and media, radio I use google.


I’ve been using the alexa intergration for awhile now but lately i need to reauthentice every 2 days due to many API calls.


Anyone ran into this problem before and/or does someone know how to solve this?

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I’m also seeing this. Had to reauth this morning.

Thanks for this WIM. That will help.
I tried to establish HAASKA in the beginning and I couldn’t bring that to work. So I went with the easy one, media_player. I never regret so far :wink:

Got asked to re-auth after 2021.11.3 update and the captcha fails to load (restarted HA 5 times already)

Did you activate 2FA?
Because I don’t have to fill a captcha anymore. The integration directly asks for the 2FA code.

I had to reauthenticate in 2021.11.1 and just upgraded to 2021.11.3 and not had to re-auth again.

Am using the built in 2FA thing if that makes a difference, the reauth ‘failed’ i think as went back to my local address with a 401 - but on refresh of the integration said successful, so I guess it worked ‘enough’.

Either way, the media_player commands which had stopped working now work again.

No I don’t want to activate 2fa for now. Usually a reboot would fix the captcha issue but not today
Keeps getting 403s:

7th time lucky I guess, it finally displayed the captcha.

Since yesterday (reintegrated Alexa and activated authenticator app) I have tons of these errors:

Dieser Fehler wurde von einer benutzerdefinierten Integration verursacht

Logger: custom_components.alexa_media
Source: helpers/
Integration: Alexa Media Player (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 15:54:31 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 15:54:31

Error fetching alexa_media data: Error communicating with API:

Obviously everything is working but what is causing the errors?

PS: the status of the entities is not updated. That seems to be the proplem.

I’ve needed to re-authenticate far more recently, and it’s getting worse… - 28th Oct, 4th Nov, 10th Nov, 12th Nov, 15th Nov

Same here…

Last Alexa seems to take like 30 or so seconds to update. Is that correct?

Over the past couple months Amazon has made some changes that have made these sensors less reliable/slower than they used to be. In my case, sometimes it’s immediate and other times it can take 30 seconds or more…

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Confirmed. Lot’s of re-auths lately, and sensors are becoming more and more delayed. Hopefully Amazon isn’t tightening the screws on this one.

Alexa Media Player integration is crashing frequently. Scripts created with messages that make up an automation, such as an open door warning, unexpectedly stop responding. I restart Home Assistant and in the integration tab, most of the times the message that it has not been loaded appears in the Alexa integration. To get it back up and running, I am required to delete the integration and attempt to install, after entering the two-step verification code on the Amazon website, it remains indefinitely in a “Upload Alexa Media Player Next Step” screen and does not complete an integration. I continue throughout the day, trying again and again until, in a moment, an integration is effected.

I’ve just installed the latest version via HACS and seen that it contains a lot of changes, specifically this one - Websocket connection rejected by Amazon · Issue #1409 · custom-components/alexa_media_player · GitHub. It appears that this could be the cause of the recent issues.

@alandtse amazing work as always. I really need to learn Python so that I can start helping out. Until then, there’s another coffee on the way!

Latest AMP in hacs is: V3.10.11