Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

Alexa Media Player v4.12.7 now requires alexapy v1.28.2 in its manifest.json and everything seems to be stable and working on Home Assistant Core 2024.8.0!

i was having the same issue then i restored from full-backup and then:

  1. updated the Alexa Media Player to v4.12.7
  2. Home Assistant Core to 2024.8.0

at this point things were lokking good but the entities go offline after sometime and they never come back online…

i’m getting this warning:

Logger: alexapy.helpers
Source: custom_components/alexa_media/
integration: Alexa Media Player ([documentation](, [issues](
First occurred: 08:17:02 (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 08:59:19

* alexaapi.get_customer_history_records((<alexapy.alexalogin.AlexaLogin object at 0x7f4b96860770>,), {'max_record_size': 10}): An error occurred accessing AlexaAPI: An exception of type AlexapyLoginError occurred. Arguments: ('Unauthorized',)
* alexaapi.get_last_device_serial((<alexapy.alexalogin.AlexaLogin object at 0x7f4b96860770>,), {}): An error occurred accessing AlexaAPI: An exception of type AlexapyLoginError occurred. Arguments: ('Unauthorized',)
* alexaapi.get_customer_history_records((<alexapy.alexalogin.AlexaLogin object at 0x7f4b73f35f70>,), {'max_record_size': 10}): An error occurred accessing AlexaAPI: An exception of type AlexapyLoginError occurred. Arguments: ('',)
* alexaapi.get_last_device_serial((<alexapy.alexalogin.AlexaLogin object at 0x7f4b73f35f70>,), {}): An error occurred accessing AlexaAPI: An exception of type AlexapyLoginError occurred. Arguments: ('',)

i tried removing the account and the logged in again but it behaves as before…

Did you also manually update manifest.json like it says in the posts right above yours?

i checked that file and it contains the correct versions

  "domain": "alexa_media",
  "name": "Alexa Media Player",
  "codeowners": ["@alandtse", "@keatontaylor"],
  "config_flow": true,
  "dependencies": ["persistent_notification", "http"],
  "documentation": "",
  "iot_class": "cloud_polling",
  "issue_tracker": "",
  "loggers": ["alexapy", "authcaptureproxy"],
  "requirements": ["alexapy==1.28.2", "packaging>=20.3", "wrapt>=1.14.0"],
  "version": "4.12.7"

it happend again and log says:

Logger: alexapy.helpers
Source: custom_components/alexa_media/
integration: Alexa Media Player (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:48:14 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:48:14

alexaapi.get_customer_history_records((<alexapy.alexalogin.AlexaLogin object at 0x7f4b73f9eb70>,), {'max_record_size': 10}): An error occurred accessing AlexaAPI: An exception of type AlexapyLoginError occurred. Arguments: ('Unauthorized',)
alexaapi.get_last_device_serial((<alexapy.alexalogin.AlexaLogin object at 0x7f4b73f9eb70>,), {}): An error occurred accessing AlexaAPI: An exception of type AlexapyLoginError occurred. Arguments: ('Unauthorized',)

Hmm. Unauthorised error. Try reloading the integration. If that doesn’t work, restart HA just in case.

Reloading the integration works but it keeps happening…

Sorry mate, I’m all out of ideas

i’m done with all this and i think i will throw away the amazon main board and put a arduino nano matter board in air quality sensors and have them connected locally…

Heh, was randomly browsing around and might have found your issue!

Change "alexapy==1.28.2" to "alexapy>=1.28.2", then reload.

If it works, all credits go to this post.


Thanks mate, i will try this and report back

This literally does nothing while there is no alexapy release beyond 1.28.2. It also will lead to weird potential errors in the future if you fail to update amp and we do any release with alexapy. So I don’t think this is a good idea.

My setup is working perfect after the patch. No issues since this idea popped up