Ecolink Door/Window Sensor DWZWAVE25 + Z-Wave JS Integration - Unknown!

I dont’ want to dump a huge file on to you here…so I’m wondering, before I post, if I’m searching in the right spot (most of what I’m seeing is a lot longer than what you just posted)

In your first screen shot there’s a Download Diagnostics button. Click that and you get a file. Open and just search “Door state” like I did. Just paste the same one I did, no need for the entire file.

I’m getting a pretty long json dump when I push that button, and there’s quite a bit of personal info I’d rather not post. I’m just trying to figure out what section is relevant to post here…but it’s a heck of a lot longer than what you’re showing me.

Just do this?

(I’m not so smart :wink: )

here you go:

          "endpoint": 0,
          "commandClass": 113,
          "commandClassName": "Notification",
          "property": "Access Control",
          "propertyKey": "Door state",
          "propertyName": "Access Control",
          "propertyKeyName": "Door state",
          "ccVersion": 5,
          "metadata": {
            "type": "number",
            "readable": true,
            "writeable": false,
            "label": "Door state",
            "ccSpecific": {
              "notificationType": 6
            "min": 0,
            "max": 255,
            "states": {
              "22": "Window/door is open",
              "23": "Window/door is closed"
          "value": 23

Looks like the copy was truncated. Is yours missing the "value": 23? If "value" is missing, that is probably why the entity shows “Unknown”. You can compare that to one if your working sensors. The question would be why the value is missing… that should be the same value as what zwavejs2mqtt shows. :thinking:

Sorry about that. That value is there, it was my fault - i didn’t copy the entire way down. I corrected it.

Hmm, looks fine to me. The dump shows what the zwave-js-server knows about, but there could be some problem between it and HA. Have you tried restarting HA to see if there’s a difference?

The only other thing I could suggest would be to enable debug logging and see what happens when you open and close the door. Otherwise, this one’s got me stumped.

Here are some example debug logs when I open and close a door:

2022-03-17 18:34:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [zwave_js_server] Received message:
WSMessage(type=<WSMsgType.TEXT: 1>, data='{"type":"event","event":{"source":"node","event":"value updated","nodeId":5,"args":{"commandClassName":"Notification","commandClass":113,"endpoint":0,"property":"Access Control","propertyKey":"Door state","newValue":22,"prevValue":23,"propertyName":"Access Control","propertyKeyName":"Door state"}}}', extra='')

2022-03-17 18:34:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zwave_js.entity] [binary_sensor.door_sensor_access_control_window_door_is_open] Value Access Control/Door state changed to: 22

2022-03-17 18:34:21 DEBUG (MainThread) [zwave_js_server] Received message:
WSMessage(type=<WSMsgType.TEXT: 1>, data='{"type":"event","event":{"source":"node","event":"value updated","nodeId":5,"args":{"commandClassName":"Notification","commandClass":113,"endpoint":0,"property":"Access Control","propertyKey":"Door state","newValue":23,"prevValue":22,"propertyName":"Access Control","propertyKeyName":"Door state"}}}', extra='')

2022-03-17 18:34:21 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zwave_js.entity] [binary_sensor.door_sensor_access_control_window_door_is_open] Value Access Control/Door state changed to: 23

The logs are visible in the settings page or the home-assistant.log file. You can see that the open and close messages were received from the server and HA mapped that to the entity state.

To enable debug logs you can use the service call:

service: logger.set_level
  zwave_js_server: debug
  homeassistant.components.zwave_js: debug

Then open and close the door. Maybe the logs will reveal something abnormal.

freshcoast, thank you very for your help so far. Really.

So I unpaired the device again, and re-paired it. After the 5th pair/re-pair HA has started to pick up the sensor again. I don’t know what the problem was, but it’s gone.

Now, the only other concern I have is that both ecolink sensors (both are identical) have slightly different config setups in Z2M addon. Even though they have the same firmware, etc. their setups are slightly different.

This also has me stumped. I don’t know how to fix that…if anyone knows, please let me know. I think I’d have to upload a custom config file in Z2M but I don’t know where to get one for this sensor.

In the meantime things are working, so that’s good. I’d like to make both sensor configs exactly the same…to satisfy my OCD.

What is a “setup”, and what is the difference?

Here, have a look at these as an example of the difference:

The battery value is undefined, is that all? You can try a re-interview. If it doesn’t update, watch the driver logs to see what is reported, maybe the device is not returning a proper value.

The values are sorted in a different order? Report a bug to zwavejs2mqtt if that’s a concern. Lexicographical sorting (the second screenshot) always probably makes more sense.

Yes. Having things in the same order would be a good start!!

Bought one of these door sensors and had same problem tonight. Everything looked good in logs and dbug.
(But No sensors appeared on inclusion but everthing looked like it was communicating fine, even seen open door msging in dbug) I tried 20 times using button to add sensor to dashboard at no avail. But I found if you click the “+ entities not shown” then you see grayed out “sensor state” when you click it. Under advanced click “enable” it will add the sensor status. Takes about 30 seconds and it will show up after you go out and come back.

I also am having a very similar issue.
I had these sensors working on an older install that was not recently updated and accidentally deleted and I was forced to setup a new install…

on the new install (hass VM via Virtualbox) the sensors are picked up nearly seamlessly but as Peter noted the “access control” entity is disabled by default. When I follow the steps that Peter describes to enable it, it works almost as expected, except when the door is open it’s being reported as “Z-Wave Door/Window Sensor: Access Control - Door state changed to 22” where as seen previously in this thread 22 is supposed to be “open”

any clues how to remap this so all my new automations are not tied to state “22”? :smiley:


I’m also now noticing that the entity in question isn’t available for automations either

I think you are experiencing a different issue, which is related to the recent updates. See the thread here for more details.

AFAIK, no workaround yet other than rolling back to an earlier version if you have a backup.

Yes, I am on that thread as well. The error below was what I was receiving with that device.

2022-09-08 02:13:12.844 ERROR ZWAVE-SERVER: Node 23 does not support the Command Class Configuration! (ZW0302)
ZWaveError: Node 23 does not support the Command Class Configuration!

I found my issue, the z-wave sensors are not on by default. I have to enable them explicitly. Its working now, thanks.

Note: I do see a code 22 when the door is open and a description of it being closed. This is occurring with my ecolink and aerotec door sensors which I recently added.

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I’m also running into this issue. I removed and added back the DWZWAVE25 numerous times, and also tried re-interviewing. Agree with onl1kairiKai that you can enable the door state, and it correctly shows the “Window/door is closed” state when closed, but when you open it, the door state reports “22.” The automations don’t like the “22.” My Z-Wave JS version is 0.1.70. The firmware for the DWZWAVE25 is 10.1