Ecolink firefighter audio detector zigbee version

Hello all!

I bought 2 of these devices recently, to find out I had issues with them.

It’s similar to this thread in fact: Ecolink Zigbee Wireless Siren Audio Detector - #9 by jimjames

But It seems like the device is working fine when I first install the battery. After a while, it does not report events anymore. I can see the red light on the device when I trigger the alarm, but nothing is sent to zha_event.

The sensor for the temperature is working fine and seems accurate, which telol me that the zigbee integration is OK.

Also I can see “checkin” events every hour for the device.

Anyone was able to make them work?

Thank you!

Just curious… are you saying you did get an alarm event? I could only ever get it to expose “tamper” (see my replies in your linked post).

I just gave up.

I gave my Ecolink devices to one of my friend who’s using Samsung Smartthings. And I bought 2 First Alert devices in z-wave that are working REALLY well and are full smoke and CO2 detectors.

That stinks but I’m glad you found a solution.

I’m considering adding z-wave to my setup and testing the Ecolink firefighter audio detector z-wave version. I’ve seen posts saying it works with just HA.

UPDATE: the z-wave version worked flawlessly!!

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