Ecovent...Anyone else have one?

Specifically asking if any others have the system from the site below:


Let me know here if you have a system, as I may have a way to talk to the ecovent device and get all status via the local network. Just need to know how much interest there is for a real component.


Just setting up HA for the first time. I would be very interested in this.


Unfortunately I don’t have the Ecovent system any longer as it didn’t end up working well for me. I was able to talk with hub locally and get information from it. I mostly just got data on the temperatures for the rooms with the sensors. I will link the github below, outside of that it’s been a couple years now and I don’t remember much else about it.

Thank you for the information. I can’t say ecovent was a great choice for me. It seems to do what it says but I have to replace 4AA batteries in each of my vents about 3-4 times a year. Just curious if you switched to a different system or just abandoned smart vents altogether?

I ultimately abandoned smart vents for now. Biggest issue I was facing was a room on the 2nd story being about 10 degrees above or below the main floor depending on the season. Found that adding a simple configurable vent that has a fan in it solved most of the problem. This is the one I used.

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Is this still working out for you? @lordsiris

And did you find any way to automate the AC Infinity? I’m wondering if I were to put a Z-Wave on/off switch on the outlet if that would help me with some automations, etc. e.g. does the programmed temperature and fan settings remain after power is cut and then restored?

Sharing in case anyone else stumbles on this thread.

The units have a temp sensor for hot/cold, which will turn the fan on to set level when it detects temperatures above/below the configured thresholds.

However, these units were completely ineffective in my installation, so I got rid of them.

I am still using Ecovent and while I have had some issues it has generally worked well for me. However, they just announced that they will be discontinuing the product and no longer providing the app or cloud connection. If you know anyone that could help me with connecting to the hub locally without the app that would be great!

Our Church Ed Wing has an EcoVent system; 1 hub, 2 thermostats, 9 room sensors & 19 floor vents.
Now the hub does not communicate with the thermostats, registers & room sensors. is there a solution available?
I would appreciate any help that is available.