Ecowitt dont work HA core update

I can’t find the webhook ID… did you mean that it should be present at this point?


Going forward, nothing appears


and then I have nothing in integration

I don’t even see a core integration. I just got a Ecowitt weather station and tried to install the community integration with HACS and is now not working. Is the “core integration” you mentioned still available?

Same error… did you find any working solution for you? DNS Server change did not help for me.

I have the same error “unknown error”. Any advice?

I solved my issue by adding in configuration.yaml
Under homeassistant:
external_url: “https://homeassistant.local:8123

Can you clarify where exactly you did this? I don’t see a “homeassistant” section in my configuration.yaml. Should I just add one, or am I in the wrong place?

I have a homeassistant: in my configuration.yaml. maybe you can add it in the UI on the network area.
I have a homeassistant because in the old days everything was on yaml and somethings I keep it there.

OMG - what a total pain!! But…I got it fixed and reading data from GW1100.

Delete old Ecowitt HACS version.
Add Ecowitt Integration from HA site.

Browse to GW1100’s page by IP (no port required).
Log in and go to Weather Services / customized.
Add to path (which was blank): /api/webhook/c8fb8362341fdbd11c97e196ba053840
Make sure that the HA IP and port 8123 is set (was previously 4199)

Return to HA, reboot and let Ecowitt find the data. Edit the sensor names where needed (Mine just prepended gw1100b_ to each.)


(Sigh…now to tackle ZWave/ZUI which is a fustercluck.)

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This is so frustrating.
I upgraded my GW1100C to V2.3.7

Followed your steps by filling in local HA IP
Webhooks ID that was provided when adding ecowitt integration
Port 8123

It’s been half an hour but no entities yet. What am I doing wrong?

Assuming that all the locations/pointers are correct, maybe try simply restarting everything…I’d restart HA first, then the GW1100?

Mine is on 2.3.6 and is a GW110B and works fine. Can you roll back the firmware?

Hmm…just had another thought…when I added the extra sensors to the GW1100 I had to do a few things: set the dipswitches on the unit to tell it which Channel to use (instructions were with the sensors). Then I used a browser to view the GW1100 from its IP and checked that the sensors were in fact reporting - you should see a little WiFi-like icon beside each and an ID like 0xA9. You can also re-choose “Re-Register” on the Web page for the device. If they’re not reporting there…they aren’t connected to the GW1100.