Edimax Wi-Fi Smart Switch/Plug (SP-2101W)

I got this switch today and set it up as follows

  • platform: edimax
    username: admin
    password: {password}

But it doesn’t seem to work. I wonder if it is because of the firmware upgrade I installed first. I am currently on vers 2.04.
Any ideas? Thanks

Bulb? I don’t know if it’s supported. I have only seen a component for their switch.

Sorry - I meant switch. Model SP-2101W to be precise. From the last comment on the post on url below it looks like they have changed their auth method with the latest firmware. https://gist.github.com/wendlers/a5fc0bf06bbe656c7291

Thanks, I bought one following your post.
Now I can schedule my kettle to turn on in the morning and it tells me once the water has boiled :slight_smile:

I have 5 SP-2101W in my second house. Is it possible to add them to my HA configuration via MQTT, DNS or similar?