ELK M1 Interface

So I’m ready to jump to the new version, but wanted to make sure I do it right. Do I just copy the repo onto my Pi in the custom_components folder and it takes care of the rest, or do I need to install anything for Gwww’s library as well?

Gwww’s library will be installed automatically by HASS when you use the Gwww branch of my ha-elkm1 repo. You will have to update your configuration as noted in previous posts as well. You may have to restart HASS a second time if it doesn’t install the Gwww library before trying to start the elkm1 code - I’ve had this happen occasionally.

Hi All. Using this with a pi3b running hass.io. I’m using a serial to usb interface. I get all of the zones and lights etc. come through but there’s no status for anything and I can’t control anything (including arming / disarming, lights etc.) I had this up and running bout 6 months ago fine, but i’m not sure if it’s just this version that i’ve got an issue with. Any ideas?

Also… thanks for all the good work.

Everything seems to be working perfectly with my serial to usb adapter. I’m using the Insignia NS-PU99501 adapter. The zones are coming through great, we’ve got an Omnistat hooked to the Elk panel that is working fine, and I haven’t encountered any bugs yet.

I was able to use USB enumeration to use /dev/elkm1 in my configuration instead of /dev/ttyUSBx because I wanted to be sure that if the USB port number changes, Home Assistant still can find the USB adapter. I used this guide here, very helpful.

Many thanks to those who worked on this.


Thanks for that mate.I’ll take a look. I have noticed that every second reboot or so there seems to be an issue seeing the usb device as /dev/ttyUSBx inside hassio. I’ll let everyone know if i find the root cause.

Check the homeassistant log file for errors - it sounds like it starts up but then part way through crashes.

also, be sure you’re using the new branch not the old one, if you’re on the master branch that is probably your problem on a Pi. Use the https://github.com/BioSehnsucht/ha-elkm1/tree/gwww-elkm1-lib branch


Yup. So that was it. Was using the wrong branch. Thanks so much for the help.

Does anyone have any unresolved issues with the gwww-elkm1-lib branch?

I’ll wait a few days for anyone to chime in, but if there’s no known issues I’m going to merge it to master so that anyone new who discovers it won’t run into the same confusion many of our recent new users have with needing to use a non-master branch :slight_smile:

No issues here. The system has been running perfectly so far.

Only issue I had so far is I had a “Burlar alarm” in the “Alarm” attribute.
This is clearly a typo but I am not sure if this comes from your code of gwww’s.
Otherwise it is working well!

Please make sure this gets corrected…I’ve got automations that look at that attribute, and the trigger is looking for “Burglar Alarm”.

@mathd @DetroitEE LOL oops. Yeah, that’s in the lib. I never noticed - must have mentally “auto corrected” whenever looking at it!

Typos fixed. 0.4.5 uploaded to PyPi

I’ve pushed an update that uses the new gwww version (fixes the ‘burlar’ typos).

Just updated to the new gwww version on my Raspi3. Connecting to ELK via the M1XEP Ethernet module. Working great, very fast and responsive. Updated my config files to reflect the new naming scheme and I was off. I downloaded the new files about week ago, and after install saw the post about the recent update. Will the files update automagically, or do I need to re-download and apply the new files?

You would need to download the latest files, but there are no further configuration changes between the two versions, so you simply download the files and restart HASS. The only change is fixing some typos.

Working great, love the response speed of controlling devices. One thing I just discovered though. I use the Google assistant integration and after logging in with my HA cloud credentials I can sync my devices. After performing the sync again due to my upgrade to the new branch, Google home now sees every possible light, all 256 of them. Do I just need to exclude them in my config, or does the show/hide work differently?

Probably the easiest option is either limiting what is included in the HASS google config or the HASS elk config. There’s not a good way to detect if lights really exist early enough in the startup process. If you include/exclude in elkm1 config to just what you have, it won’t be an issue. Though you might still find you don’t want everything included in Google, in which case you can override the google config to not expose everything by default and specify things, too. show/hide settings for elkm1 just change the default behavior to show/hide in the UI, it’s include/exclude that will affect whether the device exists in HASS at all.

Thank you for the clear explanation. I will probably go back to my config and exclude things I don’t want, but I think it also want to exclude things from the HASS Google config (like climate and zones) but I don’t see it.

I’m lost. I had the old version working with PI3 and Hass.io. Now, I’ve broke it trying to get the new version to work. Can someone just go over the steps to make this work with PI3 and Hassio? Also, I don’t see any help for using a usb device such as:

host: /dev/ttyUSB0
