ELK M1 Interface

A number of updates are in flight. See https://github.com/gwww/elkm1/issues?q=is%3Aissue+updated%3A>%3D2020-09-01 for list and status.

If you have additional request, please open an enhancement request on the elkm1-lib. Comments and votes are good too :wink:

I’m still working on this. However I found out that it works under VirtualBox 5.x but doesn’t work under VirtualBox 6.x - both installs running on Fedora 30.

Trying to get an answer on the VirtualBox forum on this…

For now I have successfully connected to Elk-M1 on VirtualBox 5.x and love it!

Heads up. Seeing a weird error with the Elk integration since I upgraded to 0.116.

Looking at it now. Doesn’t happen for me. Trying to understand why. This is code that has been modified recently.

General question: is the ELK M1 integration designed to be used exclusively with version 5.X firmware?

The reason I ask is because when I tried it, it failed to discover the outputs configured on my ELK M1 which uses V4.X firmware.

I used the config-flow process for installing the integration and it returned 231 entities (the vast majority being unused zones). It found all zones, scenes, and PLC devices (lights) but none of the outputs (or Tasks).

Should I be doing something differently to make it see the outputs or this is due to the older firmware I’ve using? As far as I know, the API command to discover outputs hasn’t changed since V4.X. However, i may be wrong because it’s been a long time since I looked into it. FWIW, I created an ELK M1 driver for Premise over a decade ago (so things may have changed since then).

Screenshot from 2020-10-17 14-27-01

The docs have been recently updated here: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/elkm1/

Basically, says it is expected to work on the 4.6.8. However there are so many caveats in the ElkM1 docs that they are not all reflected on the page.

If you open a issue on the base ElkM1 library (check the README first) then I will take a look. The discovery stuff is new, it could be broken or it could be just the version of the Elk panel is too old, or…

I use the integration with version 4.3.8 of the firmware. I have outputs (show up as switches) and tasks (show up as scenes). Currently on HASS 114.4.

@wuench: do you config with YAML or through the GUI?

When I upgraded from 102 to 114 I ended up having to rebuild everything from scratch, so I just bit the bullet and did most of it via the GUI.

There is a bug in auto-configure where counters will not be found. I’m looking at a fix now.

Cheers Wench, I remember you from my CQC days. Just today, I finally shut down my CQC machine. I haven’t updated it in several years, but needed to keep it running until I finally got rid of some legacy devices which have no HASS driver. It’s a great relief to be pure HASS from here on. Richard

Cheers Richard, good to see you here. Been running HASS for a couple of years now. It meets my needs so far and aligns with the stuff I do in my day job more. But I have to admit I do miss CQC’s stability at times…

No issues with the Elk integration, it is definitely one of the high points…

As an update here for anyone running Home Assistant in VirtualBox. It is confirmed that VirtualBox 6.x has an issue using serial ports and Oracle is working on. In the meantime it runs successfully on VirtualBox 5.x.

Hey folks, lots of new ElkM1 stuff added. Should be showing up in the next release or the one after that. The docs have been significantly upgraded with all the services added and a new event. Also docs added around how to setup you ElkM1 correctly so that the integration works.

In addition, under the covers the ElkM1 library has been cleaned up a fair bit. It should not have any effect on performance and stability, but the code is a bit easier to maintain.

Almost all the feature requests from this thread and other places have been addressed.

My favorite is that a keypress on a keypad generates an event that can be used to drive an automation.

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Thank you for all of the updates @gwww! Can’t wait to test these out and enhance the automations.

Thank you very much Glenn! I guess it’s time to update my system as I have been running a very early version of HA (v0.78.3) and really want to avoid breaking everything :slight_smile:

Off topic but have you considered running HA on a virtual machine? This way you can easily create a backup disk before making any changes and then update your main install. If you break it you can always restore the backup disk

Hi everyone… has anyone updated hassio core to 0.117?
It seems to make my sensor.elkm1 to become unavailable.

Can you say more? What do you mean that the sensor “become unavailable”? What are you seeing in the front end? Are they any logs?

I’m running 0.117.4 and my sensor.elkm1 is showing connected.

Edit: are you running autoconfig? There was some cleanup in that area. I’m just looking at my test system that has autoconfig and I don’t see sensor.elkm1. Investigating.

Yes, sorry I’m new to Hassio. I meant the device sensor.elkm1 became ‘unavailable’ after I upgraded my hassio core to 0.117 (and thereafter to 117.4).

Yes I did setup my elk n1 integration with autoconfig.